The amount of non-reimbursable support that can be awarded with a tender of half a billion can range from HUF 300,000 to HUF ten million.

277 organizations won support in the HUF 500 million tender announced for civil organizations dealing with animal protection, the government commissioner responsible for the development and implementation of the animal protection action plan announced on Tuesday in Budapest.

Péter Ovádi said that 283 applications were received for the tender announced at the beginning of May, of which 277 were granted support.

All formally correct applications won support

he noted.

The government commissioner assessed the fact that 237 of the winning applications deal with companion animals as a great achievement. In addition, the number of winning applications has increased by almost a hundred compared to before, he said.

Péter Ovádi said that 40 winning applications deal with rescue dogs, as well as wild and farm animals.

The amount of non-refundable support that can be obtained through the application ranged from HUF 300,000 to HUF ten million.

The government commissioner said that they can provide an average of HUF 1.8 million per organization. Two applicants will receive the smallest non-refundable grant amount of HUF 300,000.

The list of winners is available on the website of Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. – –.

Péter Ovádi emphasized that the most important players in animal protection are civil organizations. We owe a lot to these animal protection organizations, so they try to support them by all means, he added.

The government commissioner reminded that in 2022, tenders with a total amount of HUF 500 million were also announced for civilians, at which time they were able to support 187 organizations.

Péter Ovádi thanked the civil organizations for their work beyond their means.


Cover photo: A dog at the NOÉ Animal Shelter in Budapest on February 7, 2021.
MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry