The four-member Hungarian team achieved its best result so far at the Central European Informatics Student Olympiad (CEOI) held in Brno, Czech Republic: the Hungarian youth won a total of two gold, one silver and one bronze medal, the organizers announced.

At the 31st CEOI held between June 23 and 29, the eight regional founding countries (Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania), plus one domestic and five guest countries (Austria, Azerbaijan, Israel, Ukraine and Switzerland) teams took part.

In the competition, the students tested their skills in solving tasks requiring advanced algorithmic thinking:

the tasks included, among other things, optimizing the performance of a large number of Covid tests, and the students were also able to put themselves in the shoes of a navy admiral and the Czech tax authorities through imagined situations.

Ádám Molnár István, a student at the Földes Ferenc High School in Miskolc, came in first place at this year's IT student Olympiad and won a gold medal, as well as Tamás Görömbey, a student at the Fazekas Mihály High School in Debrecen. Pál Czanik, a student of Fazekas Mihály High School in Budapest, won a silver medal and Balázs Szilágyi, a student of Péter Veres High School in Békásmegyer, graduated with a bronze medal.

Ádám István Molnár, who took first place, received the 2022 Special Prize of the National Talent Support Council (NTT) as a master of programming and mathematics, and achieved outstanding results in several student Olympiads.

The team leader of the Hungarian delegation was Ágnes Erdősné Németh , the vice-president responsible for talent management at Neumann Társaság, and his deputy László Nikházy , the honored talent manager of Neumann Társaság's Talent Management department.

The students prepared for the competition in the Neumann Company's talent management program in close cooperation with the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, with the support of the National Talent Program, they said.

The highlight of the student Olympiad season will be the International Informatics Student Olympiad (IOI), which will take place in September in Egypt. Three of the Hungarian team that proved themselves at the CEOI in the world competition will also participate in the Student Olympics.


Cover photo: Ágnes Erdősné Németh, Balázs Szilágyi, Pál Czanik, Tamás Görömbey, Ádám István Molnár and László Nikházy (Photo: Neumann Társaság – NJSZT)