According to the head of the department, strong make-up is essential because of the bright lights on TV, otherwise you would look like a mourner...

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock spent more than HUF 50 million (€136,500) on a make-up artist in 2022, in a single year. The politician does not consider this to be a problem, as he thinks otherwise he would look like a gravedigger, Die Welten . appearing writing in the Mandiner .

According to the head of the ministry, due to the bright lights on TV, strong make-up is essential, otherwise it would look so gray that it would look like a grave.

The foreign minister added that he often had to appear in the evening, so the make-up artists were rewarded accordingly, and then emphasized that the ministry also acted in accordance with legal requirements.

Cover image: MTI/EPA/Sascha Steinbach