A conservative advocacy group in California warned that the impending constitutional amendment would erase the traditional definition of marriage. From marriage within the family to child marriage to "polyamorous" relationships, the most amazing forms of cohabitation could be allowed.

The so-called right to marry may appear as a fundamental right in the California state constitution if the imminent constitutional amendment is accepted in the western member state of the United States - this is what the president of the California Family Council (CFC) said on Fox News.

Amendment 5 to repeal one of the policies currently in place in California , which states that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

The constitutional amendment was introduced by Senator Scott Wiener, Democrat of the California Legislature, and Representative Evan Low to protect same-sex marriage.

If passed, the amendment would treat the right to marry as a fundamental right under the California state constitution.

However, according to the CFC, this right in the text of constitutional amendment No. 5 is too open and does not lead to the normalization of traditional marriage structures, in fact, it overturns them, which according to the organization

may harm the development of children in such families.

According to Jonathan Keller, the president of the CFC, the proposal would open Pandora's box: “There could be brothers who get married, or even nephews could marry their nieces. Fathers or mothers can marry their own children," Keller told Fox News.

The proposal would also legalize so-called polyamorous relationships (for example, the marriage-like cohabitation of three people).

It's a reality in Oakland

There is concern that all this is not just fiction: the city council of Oakland, California already recognized "polyamorous families" in April, the conservative news channel reminds.

According to Keller, the adoption of the constitutional amendment would be a real disaster if it were enacted into law. He reminded me that California is currently one of the few states where child marriage, i.e. marriage before reaching the age of majority (which is 21 in the USA), is still legal. According to the survey data cited by the family protection organization

In 2021, 8,789 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 were married in California.

It can also be inferred from a previous article on Breitbart.com that, in addition to groups interested in the legalization of child marriages and domestic (infectious) relationships, the changes in California benefit. The conservative news portal previously reported that under the presidency of Joe Biden, after the sudden departure of American troops from Afghanistan (2021), the issuance of American visas was accelerated for many thousands of Afghan men.

However, they regularly encountered legal obstacles when they tried to obtain visas for all the wives of applicants living in polygamous Islamic marriages. polygamy is allowed thanks to their constitution, which conforms to Sharia (religious law that is part of the Islamic tradition - ed.)

The real refugees

ever-shrinking population , which has been going on since 2020, continues In that year, the population of the state decreased by 180,000 people - the first time since California joined the United States in 1850. Among the reasons for this, analysts point out that in addition to the coronavirus epidemic

high taxes, real estate prices, the growing number of homeless people and the ever-increasing cost of living

people left the state en masse.

Although the trend seemed to reverse and the population decline stopped in 2022, several sources, including Fox, pointed out that the outflow from several large cities in California to smaller cities, to more affordable parts of the state or out of state continues.

Source: hirado.hu

Photo: Pixabay