As a large family, the residents of the village made the portico hidden in the eastern gate of Mátra tidy.

In Tarnaszentmária, Heves county, the great pride of the small village, the country house, was recently handed over, which not only preserves the values ​​of the past, but is also a symbol of the diligence and perseverance of the local community.

Mayor Gabriella Flesch, despite the initial difficulties, persistently insisted that the dilapidated house built in the 1920s, in a neglected state, should be given a chance to "survive" instead of falling into disrepair.

The building was bought with the support of the Hungarian Village Program, it was not demolished, but their dreams, the life, habits and knowledge of the previous generation were placed between the thick walls.

The renovation of the house and its surroundings was carried out by the village community. Today, the building awaits tourists in all its glory, who can take part in time travel by entering the house.

In addition to the classic kitchen and clean room, old maps and photos of the settlement and life in the barracks can be seen, and those interested can admire a trophy collection in a separate room. In the spacious garden, there is a place to rest, fresh drinking water and a washroom for Mátra lovers and those looking for silence and peace.

Colorful Countryside

Featured image: Facebook/Mátra Jövője Tourist Association