There is no need for a uniform Europe, the free clash of opinions is the hallmark of democracy, declared the Hungarian head of state.

Hungarian-Austrian relations are excellent, the relationship between the two countries is based on a strategic partnership and characterized by friendship, the Sándor Palace announced on Wednesday, after President Tamás Sulyok met his Austrian counterpart in Vienna.

Alexander Van der Bellen and Tamás Sulyok agreed that "in the current, extraordinary times, good and balanced cooperation between neighboring countries and the maintenance of continuous and regular relations are more important than ever."

The economic and cultural relations of the two countries are also excellent, their relationship is based on strategic partnership, historical connections going back centuries, and is characterized by friendship, they emphasized.

It was also announced that the Austrian president had provided support for the plan to establish a Hungarian-language secondary school in Vienna.

Regarding the traffic restrictions at the border crossings in Burgenland, the parties agreed that the common goal is to solve the problem as soon as possible and to ensure uninterrupted border traffic. To this end, constructive negotiations are taking place between the governments.

The Hungarian head of state also informed his Austrian partner about the goals of the Hungarian EU presidency, in connection with which the parties emphasized the importance of increasing the competitiveness of the EU, and both considered the accession of the countries of the Western Balkans to the European Union to be of utmost importance.

He invited his Austrian partner Tamás Sulyok for an official visit to Budapest.

According to the information of the Sándor Palace, after the meeting with the Austrian president, Tamás Sulyok met with the Austrian speaker Wolfgang Sobotka, with whom he discussed, among other things, the war in Ukraine and the need to protect the rights of national minorities - the Austrian speaker also agreed with the importance of the latter.

The meeting also discussed the growing anti-Semitism in Europe, which was intensified by the attack of the Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas last October.

In this regard, the Hungarian head of state said: "There is zero tolerance for anti-Semitism in Hungary. We stand by Israel because it has the right to self-defense."

Tamás Sulyok condemned all forms of terrorism, adding at the same time that the Palestinian people and Hamas cannot be equated.

Praising the excellent economic and cultural relations, the Hungarian head of state said that it was 100 years ago this year that the Vienna Collegium Hungaricum, the first Hungarian cultural institution abroad, was established. After the discussions, Tamás Sulyok laid a wreath on the statue of Ignác Semmelweis at the Medical University of Vienna.

In the afternoon, the head of state met with representatives of Hungarians in Austria, and in the evening he attended the opening concert of the Hungarian EU presidency, before which he also gave a speech.

In it, he emphasized: it is vital that European values ​​are not eroded and that we continue to preserve them for the sake of the success of the European community.

We want to ensure a good life for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren, and for this we need a strong and stable Europe, which is proud of its values ​​and whose people walk with their heads held high, said the head of state, adding that this is the only way to guarantee peace and freedom, this is how Europe is "a place where we are at home and we understand those with whom we share this home".

There is no need for a uniform Europe, the free clash of opinions is the hallmark of democracy, declared the Hungarian head of state.

He pointed out that the member states are all an integral and inalienable part of Europe, and the strength, values ​​and results of the European Union are rooted in the particularities and constitutions of the member states.

Without sovereignty, there is no democracy and no freedom, the head of state declared.

Tamás Sulyok also touched on the fact that the whole of Europe is affected by the challenges we have to face, and that each member state fulfills its tasks and obligations according to its own discretion, in such a way that it serves the benefit of the entire community.

Therefore, it is not fair to dispute the good intentions of others and their deep concern for the future of Europe, the president pointed out.

Tamás Sulyok also said that Hungary counts on Austria's support during the work carried out during the Hungarian presidency.


Cover photo: Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen (b) receives President Tamás Sulyok at the Hofburg, the residence of the head of state in Vienna, on July 3, 2024.
Source: MTI/Sándor Palace