Róbert Ábrahám and Lukács Adorján's shocking documentary entitled "Abducted Children of Scandinavia" was recently shown. Years ago, there were articles about a family in Norway who had all 5 of their children taken away, including a 3-month-old newborn, due to excessive Christian upbringing. The creators of the film also researched this and many other horror-like cases, which revealed that children are actually kidnapped on trumped-up charges in the name of child protection, and that in many cases they are given to gay couples. The film is quite shocking, and at the same time an important warning to us, to what Orwellian heights the gay and LGBTQ lobby reaches, relying on churches and child protection to impose its sick ideology on them, reports vasarnap.hu .

The creators of the film emphasize that they researched everything thoroughly, these are facts, based on the information of a young Muslim man, because at first they did not believe the terrifying stories themselves. You could hear about this for years, initially it was aired by the liberal press, until it became clear that the LGBTQ lobby was interested in the matter. Barnevernet, the Norwegian family and child protection authority, which previously operated with a lesbian leader, became infamous in Norway. Those who have children are afraid and do not dare to speak, because after a Facebook post, a campaign of revenge can be launched.

They come up with some reason to take away the child, or whoever has already been taken, can now take away the sight of their children.

Christians are in danger, as we saw from the case of the Bodnarin family, whose sin was discipline, but it turned out that excessive Christian education was the main reason. They were reported on the grounds that they often carry the children to church and pray before meals. They were probably taught what was good and what was bad, there were rules; brought up. Muslim families don't even dare to discipline them, because they take their children away, the film revealed.

Muslim families are also at risk, as homosexuals face the death penalty in their own country. As can be seen from the film, a real re-education is taking place, according to the ideology of the time. It is true that Muslim countries have gone to the other side of the horse, with the punishment of homosexuality, even the death penalty. But what can we say about the gay and LGBTQ lobbies, which have made the woke idea their main ideology, and if they see the need, they retaliate, in the most shocking way, by taking away the children...

There are Muslim families whose children were given to gay couples.

Even the wildest socialism, which considered re-education important, did not take away the most precious thing, the child. These families would go back to the war zones where they came from, just to get their children back.

The state does not cultivate this, it just turns a blind eye to the fact that the Norwegian child protection system is in the hands of the LGBTQ lobby and is dealing with real child abduction.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) often deals with child protection in Norway. That these are not fairy tales, although they seem to be, is indicated by the fact that Norwegian child protection has already been condemned in 38 cases. In the case of the Christian family, the ECtHR has been acting unsuccessfully since 2015, and a Christian defense organization, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), has already joined the defense of the family.

What is happening in Norway is not a unique case, Sweden also took the example and operates it even more drastically. However, there are similar cases in Germany and Austria.

The churches were similarly politicized according to the woke ideology. In Norway, a complete transformation took place, the churches are also in the hands of the LMBQ lobby. For example, an exhibition of a gay artist is organized in a Norwegian church. And since few children are born in these countries, many gay couples kidnap the children. Muslims are called "human incubators", "human incubators". The parents of abducted children often commit suicide. This is where the developed West and Scandinavia are today, which is a warning to us, say the directors.

Maybe we're still in time. In Norway, they welcomed the crew with bursting joy, hoping they would be a liberating team.

They have heard about the Hungarian child protection law, they want this for themselves, at least order would return.

There are other examples, for example, during a divorce, one party accuses the other, they don't look after him, the child is taken away. A Norwegian mother was forced to flee with her young child from the child protection authorities because they wanted to take her child away from her. He went into hiding, and then with the help of the Polish consulate he was granted asylum in Poland, where he has been living ever since.

There were times when the authorities came out in the middle of the night and bought cheap food or found expired food in a house, and they took the child away. Or because of a poorly managed eggnog... These are fabricated accusations, it is obvious, the goal is not child protection, but the taking away. There are whispers and reports, as in socialism. The dentist reports: he didn't take the child on time, or the teacher says he's too Christian, and they're already taking him.

You are beyond Communism, quite Orwellian.

Scandinavia has strong Christian roots, we should just return to these roots - the creators draw a lesson.

It is gratifying that there is a resistance movement in Norway who want to return to the original order. It is clear that all of this is for the purpose of re-education, so that the next generation applauds the gays from the beginning, and the LGBTQ and woke ideology become natural. Let's remember that the protagonists of the so-called child protection demonstration in this country were also gay and LGBTQ-affiliated. We cannot allow the gender lobby to establish itself on child protection here as well. Let this be a warning to us indeed!

"Say this to them: As I live, says my Lord, the LORD, I do not wish for the death of the sinner, but that the sinner turn from his way and live. Repent, repent of your wicked ways! Why should you die, house of Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:11)

Author: Katalin Pók

Cover image: Illustration - Pixabay