The Kunszentmiklós Magistrate's Court sentenced the man who twice smashed the statue of the Virgin Mary in Dunavecs to 2 years - suspended for 4 years - in prison, announced the Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor's Office.

According to the announcement, the Kunszentmiklós District Prosecutor's Office brought charges in the case for vandalism by destroying an object of religious veneration.

As also wrote , the local man first drunkenly damaged the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje erected by the local Roman Catholic Parish with a piece of stone in the early hours of May 19, 2023, in the inner area of ​​Dunavecse, on the roundabout on highway 513.

As a result of the blows, the head, the upper part of the torso and the left arm of the approximately 120-centimeter-tall, hollow resin statue were completely broken off, making the statue irreparable.

After the church community had a new statue of Our Lady erected in its previous place, the accused again hit and smashed it with an ax in the early hours of December 31, 2023, causing a total of about one million HUF in damage.

The prosecutor's office proposed imposing a prison sentence suspended for a probationary period against the man.

The Kunszentmiklós Magistrate's Court sentenced the accused, who admitted to committing the crimes, to 2 years in prison without trial - as a criminal sentence - and suspended the execution of the sentence for 4 years, the announcement states.


Photo: The damaged Virgin Mary statue / Source: