One of the flagships of the dollar media, HVG, with noble simplicity immediately detected a political thread in one of the innocent victims. life." 

The HVG's sensitive scribbler immediately sought out the victim's brother, but he refused to comment...
The Rákóczi Association said goodbye to its colleagues on its social media page.
" It is with shock and deep pain that we mourn two of our young former colleagues who lost their lives in a tragic car accident ," reads the social page of the Rákóczi Association. The organization said goodbye to the colleagues who died in the car accident with the following lines:
God rest Mónika Szeleczki and Ervin Bajkó! We will preserve their memory, may eternal light shine on them.
As we previously reported , a terrible accident occurred on Wednesday evening, July 3, 2024, in Budapest, on the Árpád Bridge, when three cars - two taxis and a passenger car - collided. Three people died in the accident, several others were taken to hospital with injuries.
Mú also wrote about the news of Mónika Szeleczki's death based on a statement published on the Facebook page of the Rákóczi Association, who remembered the storyteller, who was not only known in the Highlands, but also nationally famous.
The incident took place almost to the day exactly on the anniversary of last year's Árpád bridge accident, when three cars started a spontaneous acceleration race, as a result of which a cyclist who was riding legally lost his life.
Based on the news of Mú in the highlands, we already know that a well-known storyteller is also one of the victims.
Photo: MTI/Zoltán Mihádák