Certainly not much, but one thing is for sure: their lower bodies should remain taboo. Written by Francesca Rivafinoli.

It seems that the bikini season managed to explode this year in a rather tasteless way: one day we should celebrate that a so-called artist

depicts the Mother of God in an obscene bottom view, with legs apart,

because what a bold and unique breaking of taboos; moreover, according to the artist, unlike the traditional, "patriarchal" depictions of the Virgin Mary, here, Mary directly regains her body, just as she shows herself with a naked lower body in the side chapel of the Linz cathedral, which has been degraded into an exhibition space - so that the next day we will snort across the clergy camps when

one or another influencer pushes an indecent image of a failed female politician to its content consumers,

commenting with counterproductive banter.

Source: Diocese of Linz

The indecent image was made public by the female politician herself a few months ago, in her own promotional video, with the logo of the Renew Europe party family, a toxic mixture of inattention and indifference, so that now, in her otherwise legitimate indignation, she claims that her political opponents took photos of her underwear directly.

So maybe it's time to go back to the dedo, but at least to the dance school, to record some basic items.

One. "To whom much is given, much is required, and from whom much is entrusted, more is required . If appropriate, even in earthly life. This is it: a tinglitang progressive smut can openly body-sham, he can easily be primitive, he can also comment on some stupidity here, we forgive him, that's what the poor man runs for - however, the self-proclaimed bourgeois conservative intellectual has a certain (either fully internalized or only considered as an ideal) value system;

you could say he is dressed differently. It may even have had a host of vertebrate ancestors,

who, perhaps even at the cost of their lives or their careers, saved him the classic bourgeois-Christian lifestyle and provided him with a suitable children's room. From this point on, the bar is already higher, you obviously have to hold the reins firmly, it's easy to mess up, it's worth being sensible - accordingly, if the momentary one goes to the house for a slap to the extent of a mental duel, then you can elegantly snort if you're so insistent on it; if, on the other hand, he carelessly makes a woman's dignity a prey, we will generously pass over him.

So that it doesn't even depend on us: a woman's dignity is taboo.

Let the progressive feminists slam it, it's also quite harmful.

Two. I can feel that the victim-blaming meter will drop, but if we never learn lessons for the future, if we never record what could be done smarter another time, the female gender will gain nothing. So:

wouldn't we all have been awkwardly tensed if Katalin Novák - even as a member of parliament - could have been caught on camera completely by accident in a tight minidress with open thighs during any hearing?

How else would he have made an image film of himself with such a setup? Of course, it also applies here that the standard for a conservative woman is different, but wouldn't we have considered it unworthy in itself that, being a politician, she can't sit and/or dress in such a way that we don't have to look away in confusion? It is easy to see that it is also advisable for women to pay attention to what the dress covers and what it does not.

If only because social development and the good-natured ignorance of Tessa Ganserer, a biologically male politician, can practically walk into the Bundestag dressed as a prostitute in Germany, fueling the most offensive stereotypes with her appearance, and who did so on Twitter ( otherwise as a homosexual man) insults him and classifies him as a slut,

he is summoned by the police for defamation. This does not serve the dignity of women either.

Of course, much smaller and more innocent clothing mistakes do not absolve the person who lustfully puts them in the spotlight, but it is a harsh fact that the insurance company will not pay if I did not lock the apartment door and a sharp-eyed thief gets the chance. I'm sorry, the crime is clear, there's absolutely no question; unfortunately I have to beat my own head against the wall.

And finally three. If there is something we should slowly learn at least at a minimal level from the Great Lady of the Hungarians, from the Virgin Mary, whose scandalous statue will be kept in Linz Cathedral until the middle of the month, only now in the dark and inaccessible (excluded and abandoned), it is undoubtedly empathy and the humility.

Those who would be happy if either they themselves or their mother were shown in a similar pose against their will should rejoice over the unworthy representation of Jesus' mother.

The right-wing-conservative should only get involved with the sleazy politician at the level of an uneducated teenager, if he had previously run a verification software on himself, and it had certified that the given "humor" was indeed

rather the spirit of Ferenc Mádl, rather than that of Péter Magyar or the Western Light.

And anyone who rightly freaks out when their dignity as a woman is harmed, who believes that "women's voices are important in shaping public discourse", should at least do this not to suggest false facts in the same Facebook post, further spreading the story and inciting the interest in the video, but only what actually happened can be harmed. Even explicitly admitting that Momentum's own botched video was used by the influencers - with this kind of sober and overwhelming objectivity, as well as honest and generous self-reflection, perhaps even a gaping market niche in the opposition palette could be filled.


Featured image: Pepper