The third largest party family was created within the European Parliament under the leadership of Jordan Bardella. Gál Kinga from Fidesz is the first vice-president of the faction.

The Patriots for Europe faction held its first meeting in Brussels on Monday, where they adopted the statutes and elected the president and vice-presidents.

Jordan Bardella, leader of the French National Consolidation, was elected president of the party family. At the founding assembly, Gál Kinga, a representative of Fidesz, was elected first vice president. The other vice-presidents are Roberto Vannaci (Liga), Klára Dostálová (ANO), Sebastien Stöteler (PVV) and Anders Vistisen (Danish People's Party).

Twelve member states have joined the Patriots for Europe party family so far, and it includes eighty-four representatives, making it the third largest representative group in the European Parliament.

Jordan Bardella could not personally attend the press conference following the formation of the faction. The speaker on his behalf said that this will be the third strongest faction of the EP.

Gál Kinga spoke about the fact that they will fight against the European status quo, which was only interested in maintaining its positions in the Union. He stated that the door is open to any like-minded party or EP representative. Our goal is to bring about a change in European Union politics, announced the Fidesz politician.

He stated: the European Parliament elections clearly showed that the majority of voters want the protection of European borders and value freedom and peace. They support European cooperation, but they do not want a European Union that exceeds its powers and punishes member states for implementing their own policies.

The joint work begins with members of the European Parliament of parties who are able to take a firm stand against the decisions of the centralist bureaucrats in Brussels, who operate in an anti-democratic way in Brussels.

We represent millions of Europeans who want change in Europe. We will be their voice in the next five years, he said.

The members of Patriots for Europe love their country and their tradition, underlined Kinga Gál. He added: the members of the representational sport will do their best to preserve the Christian values ​​of Europe.

They want to protect Europe's borders as strictly as possible, stop illegal migration and work for a strong, competitive Europe.

We do not want to offer Europe an alternative, but a European alternative, in cooperation with like-minded partners, he said.

The representative of the Czech ANO said that they do not want uncontrolled migration to Europe.

The representative of the FPÖ expressed his joy that this new faction was formed and greeted the members.

He personally thanks Viktor Orbán for bringing this agreement and formation under the roof.

To the question of the Financial Times, the representative of the Dutch PVV answered that as a representative group they are advocating for peace in Ukraine.

The third largest group in the European Parliament consists of the following parties:

– Hungary: Fidesz – 10 representatives and Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) – 1 representative;
– Austria: Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) – 6 representatives;
– Czech Republic: Action of Dissatisfied Citizens (ANO) – 7 representatives, and the Oath and Motorists party – 2 representatives;
– Portugal: Chega!
-2 representatives; – Spain: Vox – 6 representatives;
– Netherlands: Freedom Party (PVV) – 6 representatives;
– Denmark: Danish People's Party (DK) – 1 representative;
– Belgium: Flemish Interest (VB) – 3 representatives;
– France: National Consolidation – 30 representatives;
– Greece: Voice of Reason party – 1 representative;
– Latvia: Latvia First party – 1 representative;
– Italy: League – 8 representatives

Cover photo: Gál Kinga, representative of Fidesz, became the first vice-president of Patriots for Europe
Source: Facebook/Gál Kinga