The Patriots for Europe alliance is a suitable answer to the globalist exclusionists.

The Court of Justice of the European Union imposed an astonishing, never-before-seen penalty of two hundred million euros (HUF 80 billion!) on Hungary - the judgment is final - because, according to them, it did not comply with the asylum rules. And this amount, if we don't pay it, will increase by one million euros every day.

Viktor Orbán was absolutely right when he said on Radio Kossuth: "These are from Brussels, they are sneaky. [...] "the whole thing has such a slimy, slimy, snail-like environment. It is not our world that is there.” I agree. It is not our world that is there.

What follows from this? That the world that is not ours is either transformed or abandoned.

That is why what Viktor Orbán did a few days ago is a huge step: together with the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Czech liberal party called ANO, they created a new party alliance within the European Parliament called Patriots for Europe. This was a historic step, and it can already be seen that there will be plenty of the required minimum of twenty-three representatives and parties from at least seven countries, and the new EP faction can be formed on July 8.

So Orbán decided: we will not leave the union, but reform it from the inside, radically transform it. What would we be looking for in a marriage that is bad and cannot change because there is no basic understanding between the parties?

The Brussels elite apparently want to prepare us, they prove this almost every week.

If we win the 2022 elections, we will be prosecuted the next day and the day after that; if we win the EP elections in 2024, they will do the same, but now in such a blatant and disgusting way that a country that gives something to itself cannot tolerate this.

Rule of law procedure, breach of duty procedure, asylum penalty, the possible warming of Article 7, more recently the re-introduction of the Maastricht criteria, the floating of the withdrawal of the right of veto, and most recently the voting of another, huge support for the Ukrainians by simply leaving them out of the vote. Shall I continue? Does not make sense.

We are apparently disturbing the globalist big boys. So who likes to be a jerk in an organization? I think we don't! This is why the sovereignist, national parties must unite and completely transform the union. Not in the spirit of the founding fathers - who were federalists to the core, especially Jean Monnet, Altiero Spinelli, Max Kohnstamm, Walter Hallstein, Józef Retinger, etc. – but with new founding fathers who will finally create the Europe of nations! This is the only way, everything else leads to hell.

Let's finally speak frankly: although there was a major breakthrough for the sovereignist camp in the EU's EP elections on June 9, it was not a complete breakthrough. The globalists and federalists have kept their majority and will use and abuse it. It can already be seen in the way the three of them, the People's Party, the Socialists and the Liberals - even the Greens will help them if necessary - distribute the most important positions among themselves. Awesome.

And let's talk about that honestly: we had to be disappointed in Giorgia Meloni as well. Military reception here or there, we disagree on the most important issue, and that is the assessment of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the attitude towards it. But we don't agree on everything on the refugee issue and not even on some other issues, for example the relationship with the People's Party.

Of course, everyone knows that the Italians are forced to give in to the big guys, the Brussels elite - not for the first time in their history - because they are forced to do so due to their economic situation.

I have written and said several times in vain that there is also a background effect that dictates Meloni's room for maneuver, but I will describe it now: in order to win the election in 2021, he joined one of the important institutions of the globalist elite, the Aspen Institute, a Washington-based think tank . This institution is known for being supported by major banking dynasties, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, Goldman Sachs and the Koch brothers' foundation, among others. The president of the Aspen Institute is Walter Isaacson, who is a member of the WEF (World Economic Forum) led by Klaus Schwab, and we have already written countless times about the WEF, that this organization is currently the flagship of the global elite, which now includes hundreds of giant companies and financial institutions. The two main goals of the Aspen Institute are to continue the war against the Russians until victory, and among other things, they are very interested in eugenics, which is nothing more than supporting ideas related to reducing the world's population.

We should not forget that Meloni already assured President Zelensky of his support the day after the 2022 parliamentary elections. He wrote to him: "Dear President Zelensky, you can count on our loyal support for the freedom of the Ukrainian people. Be strong and persevere in your faith!"

These facts, however painful they may be, are foolish not to face them. In order to understand a politician's motives, you need to know about them, without them we don't understand anything about why they do what they do. A word like a hundred, after this it is perhaps not entirely surprising, although it is an extremely unpleasant turn that Giorgia Meloni did not want to include Fidesz in the party faction of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which she also leads. It's true, we also have a big problem with the fact that Meloni allowed the notoriously Hungarian-hating extremist Romanian party, AUR, into their ranks. So we decided not to enter the ECR. Not to mention the fact that there are reports that Meloni would rather cooperate with the European People's Party, which has shifted completely to the left, than with the truly Eurocritical and sovereignist party faction called Identity and Democracy, characterized by Marine Le Pen - although this question will really be decided in smoky rooms.

What does the EU, or more specifically the Brussels elite representing the mainstream trend, want to do with Hungary as a member state? I think the answer is clear and visible: we are disturbing factors in the issue of war, the acceptance of migration, climate madness, the acceptance of gender theory and practice, relations with China and the Russians, and many other matters, not to mention the opening to the East in general.

At the same time, however, there is – still – the right of veto, that is, the principle of consensus for important decisions, and therefore the sword of Damocles always hovers over them, that we use this opportunity, and in the end we do not vote on decisions that are fundamentally important to them. So what can be done about us?

If they were honest, they would admit that the easiest thing would be to remove Hungary from the union, or at least to take away the right to vote from us using Article 7. What solutions are left for us in the union after this?

Three kinds.

One: we will leave the union, hushi, but that would be an inappropriate step, our interests would never prevail again.

Two: we would try to conclude a separate state agreement with the EU, on the model of Norway or Switzerland, for example, only we would remain in the EU, but we would tailor the areas of cooperation as narrowly as possible, mainly and decisively we would preserve our economic and trade relations with the EU, but not in all other matters we would allow the Brussels elite to have a say in our own internal affairs and our sovereignty. (I don't think this solution can be definitively ruled out, but time and developments will decide this.)

Three: we create an alternative, new party alliance, which is actually no longer organized along the left-right divide (see the likely entry of the socialist Fico into the Patriots for Europe alliance, or the liberal Babis), but along the actually defining, globalist versus sovereignist fault line. This has happened now, and this could be the beginning of a new era in the European Union, as Orbán said.

New founding fathers appeared at the forefront of Europe, who created a new alliance in the spirit of the times.

Be strong, brave, persevere - because this can save the union and Europe! As Ady wrote, let's be "a hundred times brave and stormy" - much more than humiliated and submissive. That never!

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: MTI/Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer