The bureaucrats are sulking: Viktor Orbán cannot make a speech at any of the opening plenary sessions of the European Parliament, but it has also been leaked which member states are attacking our country.

Although Prime Minister Viktor Orbán indicated that he would present the program of the presidency in accordance with tradition, he cannot make a speech at the first plenary sessions of the European Parliament as the prime minister of the member state taking over the presidency, because the presidency of the parliament "did not find a place for the speech on the agenda" .

There is no place for Viktor Orbán's program speech in the upcoming agenda of the European Parliament, as the group leaders' council "could not find a place for the prime minister presenting the Hungarian presidency" Euronews has learned .

While, according to tradition, the prime minister of the member state taking over the presidency of the European Council always speaks in the European Parliament during this period and presents the program planned for the six months of the presidency. In such cases, the representatives can ask the Prime Minister questions. According to information from Euronews, Viktor Orbán, in accordance with tradition, indicated to the EU legislature that next Tuesday or Wednesday (July 16 or 17) before the plenary session, he would present the program of the Hungarian presidency, which - quoting Donald Trump's campaign slogan - "Let's make Europe great again" slogan was given.

However, the board of faction leaders who set the agenda decided that there is no place for this agenda item in the parliament's agenda, because according to Euronews' sources, the EU parliament

"he is even more occupied than usual with his ongoing affairs".

It wasn't about democracy, it was about keeping power

Germany and the Baltics are considering taking the EU presidency away from Hungary, because Viktor Orbán launched his peace mission without any consultation and even met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, reports the Corriere della Sera . The paper quotes Hanno Pevkur, the head of the Estonian Ministry of Defense, who said that the Hungarian Prime Minister's negotiations divert attention from the main focus, which, in his opinion, is Ukraine's victory and EU and NATO membership.

Tagesspiegel , on the other hand, was informed that

above all, Donald Tusk is fed up with the peace mission, and the Polish Prime Minister himself will ask him to openly discuss the consequences at the meeting of EU ambassadors in Brussels on Wednesday.

According to the paper, Viktor Orbán may have underestimated the vehemence of the reactions, and behind closed doors they are already negotiating to deprive Budapest of the council presidency. Anonymous sources put the number of ambassadors who want to send a "clear message"

To TVN24, Radoslaw Sikorski, Tusk's foreign minister, answered the question of whether there is really talk of shortening the Hungarian presidency, saying that "Hungary is really abusing our trust."

Source: Index , Mandiner

Featured image: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer