The recount also resulted in the victory of the reigning mayor.

Even after the recount, Gergely Karácsony received roughly 200 more votes than Dávid Vitézy; During the recount, 1,500 ballots were found that were not placed in the correct place - Dániel Deák shared his information on his social media page.

The XXI. The leading analyst of the Szazad Institute stated regarding the final result: the advantage of Karácsony increased somewhat

(there were 41 votes so far), however, compared to the more than 350,000 votes that both candidates received, this is still a small amount, the reigning mayor really only won by a hair's breadth over his challenger.

Bad news for Budapest: Gyurcsány's world will remain in the capital! the political scientist added in a comment.

By the way, this was the second recount, as according to the first results, Gergely Karácsony won the election with slightly more than 300 votes.

The Vitézys then requested a recount of the invalid votes, which reduced the difference to 41 votes.

Now, however, all the votes cast were recalculated, so the difference increased again to around 200 votes. The official results will be announced on Friday.

Cover image: Karácsony remains the mayor
Source: Mediaworks