The number of pro-war supporters is increasing. I mean, not among the world's population, but among the world's leaders. Written by Katalin Kondor.

Nowadays, almost not a day goes by that a good part of the world's politicians do not turn out to be, so to speak, pro-war. If the dear Reader has noticed, well-known politicians are shouting on the air that if not money, but money and weapons should be sent to those who are fighting against each other, of course, who will name who the beneficiary should be.

As for the Russian-Ukrainian war, the picture has already been completely "cleared", the United States and the majority of European countries are sending weapons to Ukraine and, of course, a lot of money. It is clear who they are "pushing" for in their comfortable armchairs, and even more comfortably, in their well-guarded palaces, and it is increasingly clear that the number of pro-war supporters is increasing.

I mean, not among the world's population, but among the world's leaders.

Just as it is clearer than ever that those who are "instigating" the deployment of nuclear weapons, led by the French president, also consider the possibility of the outbreak of the Third World War to be conceivable. So the world is brainstorming, more specifically among those on the side of war, and let's not forget that the Jewish state is also at war in the constantly seething Middle East.

We already learned in high school that every war is important to the profiteers, that they must destroy or enslave the person they want to steal from. And the TRUTH, which has been often voiced and discredited, had nothing to do with all of this and now has nothing to do with it. And it has even less to do with fairness.

A long time ago, we also learned the truth that we have quoted several times from Orwell: "One of the most terrible side effects of war is that war propaganda, howling, mass of lies and hatred all come from people who do not fight."

Well, it's hard to argue with this truth, you can't, because it's undeniably true. Just as in the war, clever leaders sacrifice the young, and when they are all dead, then the middle-aged come next.

And the profiteers continue to command from their safe bunkers. That's how it is now.

It is undeniable that mankind has always found reasons for war. I read that in 1925, for example, a dog caused a war between Bulgaria and Greece. The dog ran away, and a Greek soldier followed him. The poor man crossed the border and was shot by border guards. The incident resulted in the Ten Day War. In 1969, football caused a conflict between El Salvador and Honduras. In any case, there was tension between them due to certain immigration issues, but after the result of the 1970 World Cup qualifiers, when the Salvadorans won, hostilities broke out. Allegedly, three thousand people lost their lives.

From the lines above, it should have become clear to everyone that I understand nothing, nothing at all about war, and I don't want to understand it.

But the only purpose of the few described examples was to prove that the world we live in now has learned nothing from the events of the past centuries and millennia, and has completely forgotten the rules of morality. He does not seek and does not want to know the truth and morality, he only makes war for his own benefit, does business, kills, murders mindlessly. And, of course, he preaches about truth.

Returning to our region, what kind of truth was it when, during the Ukrainian Maidan, American leaders sent members of the so-called global elite to a supposedly independent country?

Those who essentially robbed the country and still do not deny that their teeth hurt and still do for the special mineral resources found in Ukraine. In the spirit of democracy.

OK, but what does Europe have to do with this?

Why does Europe have to spend a lot of money and weapons on this war? And why is it necessary to preach about democracy, when they have already admitted that they are worried about the mineral resources of Ukraine?

They mention Russian aggression, while we live in European aggression. It is clearer than day that two countries are at odds with each other. Two neighbors. What do we have to do with this? Apart from the fate of Transcarpathian Hungarians? Nothing.

But we see that the hyenas of the world aim to start a world war.

Which will be controlled by a world government, after we have already been led into a huge hole. Many people have already written about this, as well as about the fact that everything is about money, i.e. the whole world is for sale. "Virtue and sin are for sale, because money does not know God. Because money trumps everything. His is the lust, his is the pain. The body and the spirit fight for it. All roads lead to him. Wars are raging for him, and man-to-man fights. And for this accursed mammon, so much precious blood is shed," sings Mefisztó in Gounod's opera Faust. He sang the truth. We just didn't want to and don't want to understand.

It is no different now. The current wars are also strange.

We could also read that in Ukraine for quite some time, almost since the beginning, people have been lassoed to send them to war, or more precisely to death. And the leader's wife and mother-in-law bought new palaces all over Europe - for billions.

In Hungary, there are many Ukrainian luxury cars on the roads, with people of military age behind the wheel. /i/shit wins.

Hungarian Newspaper