The famous actor is worried that the American president will not be able to win the fight against time.

American actor George Clooney asked Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential candidacy in a guest article published in The New York Times on Wednesday, citing that with the incumbent American president - due to his old age - the Democratic Party will not be able to win against the expected candidate of the Republicans, Donald Against Trump in the November presidential election.

Clooney emphasized that he has been a supporter of the Democratic Party all his life and has liked Biden as a senator, vice president and president, who has won many battles in the last four years.

At the same time, after the televised debate between the two future presidential candidates at the end of June, it became clear: Joe Biden will not be able to win the fight against time.

The actor pointed out that he has consulted with several senators, congressmen and governors about the matter, and at the level of private conversations, everyone is of the same opinion, regardless of who says what in public.

"We can bury our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can tell the truth," Clooney wrote.

"(President Biden) may have been tired, may have been fighting a cold during the debate, but the leaders of the Democratic Party can't pretend that 51 million people didn't see what we saw," the actor added. He noted that the possibility of a second Trump cycle had alarmed Democratic Party voters so much that they preferred to ignore any warning signs.

"We Democrats have gotten to the point where we hold our breath, or rather turn down the volume, when our esteemed president walks down the steps of Air Force One or returns to the microphone to answer an impromptu question," wrote George Clooney. , who said the party's top officials should ask the president to voluntarily withdraw from the candidacy.

“Joe Biden is a hero. He saved democracy in 2020 and he has to do it again in 2024," the actor concluded his article.


Cover image: The prestigious actor made a serious request to Biden
Source: Michael Vlasaty/