The Hungarian EU presidency began less than two weeks ago, but it is already facing countless obstacles from the leaders in Brussels, who are fighting tooth and nail to prevent it.

Not a day goes by that the consecutive Hungarian presidency does not run into obstacles since it began on July 1st. The pro-war Brussels politicians do not like the fact that Viktor Orbán carries the message of peace wherever he travels, as it completely contradicts their war propaganda.

According to some sources, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, who is up for re-election, is "extremely dissatisfied" with Viktor Orbán's peace mission.

Von der Leyen is suffocating with rage because the Hungarian Prime Minister is carrying the message of dialogue and peace, thus the opposite of the warlike hysteria of the European Union, said Florian Philippot, leader of the French Patriots party. He added that France should leave the European Union, which he considers simply a war machine.

This may be the reason why not a single representative of the European Commission appeared at the ministerial meeting organized by Hungary.

Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy revealed to a journalist that he does not know why no one from the committee showed up, but the Hungarian government invited everyone and the door was open.

According to the current lineup, Viktor Orbán will not be able to give a speech at the next plenary session of the European Parliament (EP), which will be held on July 16-19. held in Strasbourg, as the presidency simply "did not find a place" for it on the agenda. But established customs dictate that the prime minister of the member state taking over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union presents his program planned for six months at the plenary session.

Thus, it is no longer surprising that Brussels is actually preparing to take the presidency of the European Union from Hungary.

Viktor Orbán was sentenced to silence, and even the consecutive presidency would be taken away

According to Politico, EU ambassadors discussed the Hungarian prime minister's recent travels at their meeting on Wednesday, the first sign that EU officials are considering concrete steps to curb Budapest's presidency in addition to public condemnations.

According to some sources, Germany and the Baltic states, and according to other countries, Poland, are demanding this, as they believe that the negotiations of the Hungarian Prime Minister will distract attention from the main focus, which in their opinion is the victory of Ukraine and its membership in the EU and NATO.

Although members of the Hungarian government have repeatedly emphasized, Viktor Orbán participated in his peace mission as president-in-charge, but not on behalf of the European Union.

The Brussels news portal itself is reluctant to admit that the peace mission can lead to the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, instead the Brussels paper mocks the Hungarian Prime Minister's peace efforts: he specifically compared Viktor Orbán to a methamphetamine cat.

But the Brussels leaders would not stop with the consecutive presidency, according to the author of the opinion article published in the German newspaper Bild, the Prime Minister should not have been allowed to attend the NATO summit in Washington either, because he would share secret information with Moscow.

At his press conference in Brussels, János Bóka called the informal ministerial meetings held so far a success, despite the circumstances and the all-out fire from Brussels, and said that by the end of the month, among others, the EU's environment protection ministers will come to Hungary, and the justice and interior ministers will also hold a meeting.

János Bóka also stated that he is confident that they will be able to achieve the objectives of the consecutive Hungarian presidency, thus increasing the work of the European Union.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Viktor Orbán
Source: Facebook/Viktor Orbán