The air around Biden is getting thinner and thinner...

Democratic elected officials, union leaders and political consultants are panicking as polls show Biden's support continues to slide in New York, a state he won by a landslide four years ago, Politico reports.

They are so worried that they are trying to convince Biden's team to use even more resources to support the strengthening of the New York campaign and the Democratic candidates running in the six swing districts that determine the control of the House of Representatives.

Biden's campaign team has not committed significant resources to New York, a state where the president is expected to easily win all 28 electoral votes in November. However, warning signs have become increasingly apparent over the past year. Two polls in a New York swing district showed Donald Trump leading Biden by one point. Public opinion polls over the past four months have narrowed Biden's lead to just 8 points in New York, an unusually narrow margin in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans twice.

Democratic Party officials are warning Biden that Trump's possible return to the presidency is a threat to democracy. A close race in New York would reduce Biden's re-election chances.

Some of his party colleagues have already called on the current president to step down.

New York state's top Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, have publicly endorsed Biden. However, Schumer was tight-lipped about Biden after the presidential debate. Democrats warn that Biden needs to pay more attention to New York to remind voters why they should vote for him.

New York Democrats' enthusiasm for Biden continues to decline, and a weak Biden could cause trouble for Democratic House candidates running in the Hudson Valley and Long Island.

Some Democrats are advising their candidates to distance themselves from Biden during the campaign to boost their own chances.

Biden's drop in support is partly due to independent voters who are more likely to side with the Republicans. According to a June Siena College poll, Biden's lead over Trump is only 8 points, and only 28 percent of independent voters support Biden's re-election, while

71 percent are dissatisfied with the president's work.

The Biden campaign team says New York voters are rejecting Trump, but Democratic voters believe Biden should do more to emphasize the differences between him and Trump, particularly on the principles of democracy.

Cover image: The air around Biden is getting thinner
Source: MTI/EPA/Filip Singer