The purpose of the funded grants is to strengthen the prevention approach, as well as to improve patient cooperation and general public health awareness.

Sixteen non-governmental organizations will receive support from the 160 million forint health-related tender, the Ministry of the Interior (BM) announced.

According to the announcement, the Ministry of Health's State Secretariat for Health jointly with the Hungarian Association of Patient Organizations (BEMOSZ) announced a tender under the title Operational support for health social, civil and non-profit organizations.

    Civil and non-profit organizations that were legally registered before December 31, 2020 and have continuous public benefit certification were eligible for the tender.

they added.

In order to efficiently distribute the available funds, the State Secretariat for Health and BEMOSZ concluded a cooperation agreement in February.

In the tender, sixteen organizations received a total of HUF 160 million in non-refundable support, the winning applicants were notified on July 9.

The aim of the subsidies financed from this year's central budget is to strengthen the prevention approach, as well as to improve patient cooperation and general health awareness of the population, they indicated.

    Pursuant to the call for tenders, organizations that deal with the health, health education and prevention of families, children or young people were eligible to apply; with chronic non-communicable diseases that represent the greatest disease burden; by helping people with rare diseases; they deal with other health prevention, patient and family support

says the ministry's statement.


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