Mrs. Gyurcsány once again beckoned, in her opinion Prime Minister Viktor Orbán became a traitor by starting a peace mission. He only knows what treason is, since in the last 5 years he has done nothing but betray his country.

Apart from him, only two people may know more about this, but they fell into continuous treason, and now Anna Donáth and her party partner are very Czech. Although Mrs. Gyurcsány also received the warning, her party is now not just family-friendly Apró. In addition, he produced a miracle that had never been seen anywhere in the world apart from him and them, and his shadow government fell into his activities. An unprecedented feat, since anyone can establish a shadow government without the risk of losing voter support, because the shadow government is elected by those who establish it. In other words, it is impossible for this to fail, but this is what the DK miracle team produced.

After that, knowing the failure of the EU election, it takes a very thick skin and a fatal lack of self-awareness to dare to criticize not only a prime minister, but even a cleaning lady.

According to Gyurcsány, Viktor Orbán is trying to break the unity of Europe. With this, Ms. Aprócska asserts that there is a unified Europe. And also that the Hungarians have a duty to bow down to the EU dictators and go under the dog, to lick the lower body of the liberal Bolsheviks, or if you prefer, the globalist masters, because this is European unity. It also claims that we have no right to oppose what is unacceptable to us, because if we do, we break unity.

He insists on the Little Spawn.

This "Gyurcsányárnyék wife" claims that Viktor Orbán is anti-Union. Doesn't our little Aprócska think that it is the Union that is anti-Hungarian? He doesn't think, but he knows, because he worked diligently to ensure that Hungary does not receive the money due to us, that false reports are made about our country, that they try to impose LGBTQ idiocy on us, that they can flood our country with hordes of illegal migrants enriched with terrorists, rapists, and rapists of women. , to force Hungary into the war that we have nothing to do with.

By the way, the new party family created by the Austrian, Czech and Hungarian founders is called Patriots for Europe, not against Europe. Comprehension, baby!

To these arguments, Mrs. Gyurcsány and her colleagues regularly counter that, look, not only the globalist party families, but also the law is turning against us, as evidenced by the numerous judgments of the European Court of Justice. The decisions of the court, which now does not even deny that it assumes a political role.

According to what jurisprudence was it decided that the vote on the Sargentini report, which was adopted with vile content and blatant fraud, was legal? For those who don't remember: two-thirds of those present would have needed to vote for acceptance, but the calculation was wrong due to the many abstentions. They acted as if the occupants were not there. And the court said that they did the right thing, that the circumvention of the law was legal.

The court that deemed the use of the red star as a symbol of autocracy acceptable, while it is no secret that the red terror had "barely" 100 million victims worldwide. Well done, this is unbiased judging!

Mrs. Gyurcsány declares that the Hungarians can only be the losers of this (Orbán's) policy.

Little brat, the excellent communist grandfather would say the same thing. While it is clear that we would lose a lot - and irreparably - if the government were to politicize according to your wishes.

God forbid that you have the opportunity to prove this in practice!

Author: György Tóth Jr

Photo: MH/Tamás Purger