The MSZP also parted with its last significant property, students will live in the headquarters of the party facing final destruction.

RTL , the Social Democracy Foundation linked to the MSZP has sold the Villányi út party house Mandiner noticed .

The new owner is a member of the Concorde group, Recorde Alapkezelő Zrt., which, according to the plans, will create an international student hostel and offices in the building.

Gábor Kutas, the CEO of the buyer company, said that they bought the building as a professional investor, and after the change of function, a student hostel with 144 beds and 72 rooms, as well as offices, will be created in it.

Young students instead of old communists

It should be remembered that the Villányi út building used to be the center of the MSZP, where the board and committee meetings were held. After a while, Edutus University and Adventum School began to rent out the larger part of the property, located on a 6,828 square meter plot. The building was encumbered with a serious mortgage, which was registered in the value of four hundred million forints in 2020, 250 million in 2022, and two hundred million forints in 2023. the work of central management.

The socialists used to own hundreds of properties, most of which have already been sold, and some of the proceeds were used to pay off the mortgage loans.

The amount received from the current sale will be decided by the new presidency, which will be elected at the renewal in October. The former co-presidents of the MSZP, Ágnes Kunhalmi and Imre Komjáthi, resigned due to the poor election results, but it is possible that they will run again for one of the leadership positions. According to Komjáthi, it would be worthwhile to replace the co-presidential system with a one-person leadership, and at the same time to review the electoral alliance with DK.

Ten billion HUF zeroed out

The micro-party, which has been under the parliamentary threshold for years, has sold fourteen of its properties, and has already sold one of its offices in Erzsébetváros to an unknown buyer for HUF 81 million. In the summer of 1990, there were still 365 properties owned by the socialist party, which, according to the signs, is also using up its last reserves. In thirty years, the MSZP squandered its astonishing wealth, which it inherited from its predecessor, the MSZMP, at the dawn of the regime change - in circumstances that are still controversial.

According to the Béla Hamvas Cultural Research Institute, the total assets of the MSZMP at the end of 1988 at the then price were HUF 10.279 billion, of which real estate accounted for HUF 7.6 billion.

The socialists' loss of property accelerated in 2015, when the then president József Tóbiás and party director Tamás Katona decided to get rid of 38 properties across the country in addition to the Jókai Street headquarters. Since the MSZP only had roughly 150 properties at that time, the decision affected a quarter of the party's real estate assets, Magyar Nemzet reports.

Opening image: MTI / Tamás Kovács