The Hungarian team finished with a gold medal at the age-group European Open Water Swimming Championship in Vienna, which proved to be the best in the relay race in the 14-16-year-old age group.

On Sunday, the quartet consisting of Nagy Napsugár, Anna Bartalos, Márton Huszti, and Máté Kárpáti confidently won the continental championship title by almost 49 seconds ahead of the German quartet, according to the website of the contest.

On the opening day on Friday, the members of the relay won individual European silver medals in their respective age groups without exception: Bartalos and Huszti took second place in the 14-15-year-old field at 5 kilometers, and Nagy and Kárpáti finished second in the 7.5-kilometer field among the 16-17-year-olds.

The junior relay race for 17-19-year-olds was also organized on Sunday, where the Hungarian quartet - Nett Vivien, Glenda Abonyi-Tóth, Dániel Poteczin and Hunor Kovács-Seres, who were all born in 2006, came fourth.


Featured image: Hungarian Swimming Association - Hungarian swimming team