The child from Apatfalv needs help, for whom his parents are doing everything, but now it is not enough.

Annabella is a full-hearted, vivacious little girl who has already overcome many trials. The five-and-a-half-year-old child had to go through so many painful struggles in the past two and a half years, but she was finally able to go to Germany with her family to start the hopeful treatment, the cost of which could run into millions, the mother of the sick little girl wrote in a letter sent to the editors of Magyar Nemzet.

The story of Belluska – as her parents nicknamed her – has already been reported in the Hungarian press: the child's ordeal began on December 10, 2021, when the then two-and-a-half-year-old girl received the diagnosis:

malignant brainstem tumor that cannot be operated on.

The little girl quickly received radiation treatment and chemotherapy, but later her condition worsened, the tumor began to grow again, and the child had to undergo life-saving surgery. Annabella has been undergoing treatment ever since, she is paralyzed on one side, she can only walk with help, she drinks with a straw, but she heroically withstands the ordeal, the child's parents said.

The little girl's new hope is a treatment in Germany, the cost of which, however, consumes all the family's resources, so they need help, they asked for people's cooperation.

Annabella and her family left for Cologne two days ago, on the thirteenth of July, for the first consultation and blood test.

The story of the little girl can be followed on the social media page of the Solidarity for Annabella created to help the child.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: The little girl needs help
Source: Facebook/Collection for Annabella