The operatives of the deep state managed to find in the person of Biden such a perfectly controllable, unwilling scenery that it has already backfired. Written by Zsolt Ungváry.

Politics has always been made by personalities, great statesmen. Despite the fact that they invented parliamentary democracy with many, many parties, things still depend on whether there are people who can become controllers of the processes.

These persons are often able to change the course of the world on their own, so the interest groups in the background try to somehow eliminate them.

Donald Trump is such a characterful, history-making politician.

Based on his plans, program, and speeches, it is obvious that he would adhere to those circles that do not push for social empowerment (they never run in any elections), but try to control the world according to their own interests and ideas with hundreds of tricks.

They are interested in forcing migration, crushing (relatively) homogeneous nation-states and stable human communities (see also churches), atomizing society; their interests are inciting wars and conflicts, fishing in the dark, selling weapons, the reconstruction business, maintaining uncertainty and psychosis.

The operatives of the deep state managed to find in the person of Biden such a perfectly controllable, unwilling scenery that it has already backfired.

The media and the army of influencers influencing public life were/are able to maintain the appearance of many incompetent politicians that they are in fact masters of their actions, but this cannot be done with the current American president.

Thus, it seems more and more certain that Trump can return to the White House in November.

However, the background power cannot tolerate this, it must be prevented in any way. A half-sentence from Taylor Swift or Robert De Niro is not enough for that, and maybe even mail votes from the dead.

A more drastic and clearer solution is needed, more than traditional manipulation techniques are needed. Since the assassination of Robert Fico, it has been known that they do not hesitate to step up.

America has its traditions anyway. (Well, this kind of thing happens elsewhere too, the Russians, for example, have been using different methods for centuries, but they have also been practicing different types of liquidation of their opponents.) Although democracy is a beautiful and noble invention, sometimes alternative ways can be used to ensure that it does not to the presidency, whom certain forces do not want.

Then, of course, the explanations for the lone, crazy perpetrator, who is eliminated before he can speak, are prepared.

To this day, it has not been possible to find a satisfactory answer to the Kennedy assassination. Oswald was also shot, Jack Ruby, who killed him, died shortly after in prison. The threads are carefully sewn.

If the will of the powerful (and unscrupulous, not to say ungodly) is not enforced, they become angry and resort to increasingly crude means. It is not a problem for them to start wars or even cause suspicious mass catastrophes using secret service methods.

We are living in changing times, and those who imagined that democracy would be a suitable cover story for maintaining their rule (because the people can basically be led and it is enough to control the culture, the media, the public discourse) are now forced to face the fact that the people are not the vote for a suitable candidate.

This is when the EP quarantine comes, the complete unity from the far left to the center right, as against the winner Le Pen, or simply the punishments, exclusions, humiliations, as against our prime minister, who cannot take such a large-scale and world-historical step so as not to be hated again for these too.

(Like, for example, the curbing of illegal migration, or the current peace mission. If Orbán were to invite orphans for a snack, it would also turn out badly.)

Dust got into the machine, because you can't buy everyone. They like to use the accusation against Orbán that he is "Bérence Putin", a foot-licking lackey, anyway, he is only interested in money. On the contrary: if you were a compromiser, a servile soul, why don't you pay back to the EU? It's easier, more rewarding, simpler there. Why would he repay those whom he sent home at that time?

The accusation of "Orbán is only interested in money" is also illogical.

Not really. After all, if he gave in to the EU on issues of immigration, gender or war, it would be like the Poles. However, he doesn't allow it, so he doesn't get any money. He seems more interested in principles than money.

Cover image: Former US President Donald Trump, the Republican Party's presidential candidate(s), is surrounded by agents of the Secret Service who protect him at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania
Source: MTI/AP/Gene J. Puskar