In order to take care of them, the entire staff of the hospital was alerted.

A 44-member Hungarian tourist group, a tour guide and two bus drivers were hospitalized in Romania with symptoms of food poisoning, the Adevarul news portal reported on Tuesday.

According to the newspaper, the first 12 Hungarian patients - complaining of stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea - were transported to the city hospital in Orsova on Monday morning. However, in the afternoon, other members of the Hungarian group arrived on the tourist bus with similar symptoms of food poisoning. In order to treat them, the entire staff of the hospital was alerted and doctors were also called in from home.

Health professionals suspected a salmonella infection, which could have been caused by the Sunday evening dinner or Monday breakfast eaten at the Herkulesfürdő boarding house.

Four of the tourists from Hungary developed more serious symptoms, but in the end none of them required long-term hospital treatment, so they were all able to return to their accommodation in Herkulesfürdő.

The hospital in Orsova reported the case to the Ministry of Health, and the Krassó-Szörény county medical officer service launched an investigation into the case to find out the cause of the illnesses.


Cover image: Illustration / Photo: Tomwieden / Pixabay