Despite the fact that the European Union is drowning in its own dogmas, I am an optimist - stated the popular security policy expert in his interview with, in which he discussed, among several other topics, the EU's treatment of migrant crime and immigration in general. - post-election power relations and, of course, the Russian-Ukrainian war conflict could not be left out either.

Recently, the video of the knife attack in Mannheim was analyzed on Zsolt Bayer's show. They came to a strange conclusion. In the recording, it was seen that one of the policemen taking action did not knock the knifeman, but the activist who wanted to stop him, to the ground. Based on this, we could believe that the German police should not act against migrants. Would it be possible? This is what I asked Georg Spöttle, who served in the German police unit.

"There's no question of such a thing." Anyone who follows the German news knows that, for example, in the last two weeks there have been two cases of death where the police used their weapons against people with a migrant background and shot terrorists. They did the right thing because they had to save other people's lives. I've watched the full videos several times - several of which have been posted on YouTube - and you can tell from them that the situation was opaque. Several people were lying on the ground, there was a lot of commotion, that is, it was impossible to determine in a single moment who was the attacker and who was the victim. Even a far-leftist could have done it, since at the event they protested against the Islamization of Germany and Europe. Before it became clear that the attacker was a young Afghan, he already stabbed the police colleague in the neck and temple, who unfortunately died of his injuries in the hospital the next day. So there is no question of not taking action against an aggressive migrant, especially if he attacks with a knife. However, if you have to shoot, you should take care that the shot is not fatal. Of course, if there is no way to stop someone who wants to kill, it still has to be done and the police can do it. At the same time, in the given situation, I don't shoot at the wrestlers on the ground.

"Look, it's not unnecessary to ask a specialist instead of a layman's assessment."

– It is also worth considering that in such situations decisions must be made in a fraction of a second. Many years ago, I was in a similar situation when, during a simple verification, the person receiving the verification suddenly took out a 100-meter nail and wanted to stab my colleague. I was standing close to them, so I managed to solve the situation with a shoulder shot. Believe me, a situation like this is very stressful, deciding in a flash whether I should try to solve it by jumping over there, but it might already be too late. As a police officer, one must be willing to even take a life or cause serious injury to someone, but it also includes the fact that a criminal takes my life or causes me such an injury that I have to bear the consequences for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, this also happened to one of my colleagues, who received a huge blow on the head with an iron pipe during a demonstration, her helmet was broken, and she suffered such a brain injury that she no longer became a healthy person, and will need care for the rest of her life. Another colleague of mine was seriously stabbed in the leg, several nerves and tendons were cut by the knife, so he became immobilized. This also goes hand in hand with police work, when you apply for such a task, you naturally know this.

- If in this case the police officer who unfortunately lost his life cannot be blamed, there is no doubt that the German authorities do not act with sufficient force against migrant criminals, and if they do, the courts pass ridiculous but rather outrageous verdicts against them. So something is very wrong "over there".

"There really isn't." If you look at crime statistics, migrant crime is prominent. The borders are actually still open, Europe hasn't learned anything since 2015, so millions of people came over from North Africa, the sub-Saharan parts. from the Sahel region, but also from the Middle East. There is almost no country on earth from which migrants have not come. Cubans, Syrians, Iraqis, Indians, Bangladeshis, Turks, Tunisians, Moroccans appeared here at the Hungarian border, but they came from Benin, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, and many Afghans also come, they form one of the largest contingents. Meanwhile, Europe does not want to close and protect the borders, as Hungary very correctly did. They also talk about border protection, but if the migrant appears and calls for political asylum, then this procedure must be started. This is a state administrative procedure that can drag on for a very long time, even years, until then, according to German law, they must be provided with aid, housing, medical care, if it is a matter of minors, then guardianship protection, and later school or kindergarten care. It is a very diverse task, it costs a lot of money, it consumes a hundred billion euros. Of course, if the German government or the Dutch, or others, want it that way, then it's up to them, but only then Hungary should not be punished for protecting not only Hungary's borders, but Europe's as well.

- This is where the benevolent reasons come in, humanitarian aid should be provided to poor refugees, but they are not willing to see that these are not refugees, their lives are not at stake, they are only occupying Europe in the hope of a better life. A real refugee does not cross the border by force and has documents that prove who he is and that he is entitled to asylum.

- Their documents are obviously thrown away or hidden because they cannot deport someone whose country of origin and citizenship they cannot determine, and if someone pays thousands of dollars to people smugglers, they do not want to be deported. If you come from Pakistan, for example, the Taliban rule there, but there is no war to escape from. There is the Kingdom of Morocco, the Tunisian Arab Republic, these countries are peaceful, it is not by chance that we go on vacation to, say, Tunisia. Therefore, whoever comes from there is not a refugee, but an economic immigrant, or is running away from the domestic authorities and fleeing from prosecution. That is why he invents a new citizenship, a new name and tries to stay in the European Union, which is successful, since the number of deportations is insignificant.

- I understand the actions of migrants, but not the behavior of governments and authorities. It would be logical for me to help you if I know who you are. If you do not have documents, you cannot enter the territory of the Union.

– This is good-natured behavior, because you should not flee from most of the issuing countries. For example, I have been to Iraq, the situation there is completely normal, the government is stable. I also talked to one of the ministers, and he said that they are pursuing the same policy that Viktor Orbán started years ago, that is, they create jobs and give good salaries so that young people do not want to go to Europe as migrants. There is no Islamic state in Syria today, there is a civil war that has persecuted millions, but those who once sat in the comfort of Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and receive the monthly appanage, free services often for nothing, do not have to and do not want to work, of course he says, why should I go back to Syria to work for, say, three hundred dollars, when I can get $1,000 here and I don't have to do anything for it. The government pays for my medical care, housing, food, I get everything, but I won't go back! Afghans can still say they are fleeing the Taliban, but how? The scandal has just erupted that the German visas were clearly inserted into fake passports, which the consuls did not want, but had to do on higher orders, so now the ministry of Annalena Baerbock is being investigated in this matter.

- Not only for this reason, but Germany is getting worse economically as well, and this is bad news for us too, because the Hungarian economy is strongly German-oriented. Yet to experience that the Germans go along with everything that the dilettante politicians of the Union want. In the senseless and even harmful gas and oil boycott, meanwhile they renounce nuclear energy, talk about greening, but return to burning lignite, attack China in the matter of electric cars, while even their own car manufacturers are against it, so the dilettante's insanity has taken over them, and the cube at that.

– I say that if they want this, we should respect their decisions, but it would be expected that they would not try to have a say in Hungarian energy policy or in the management of migration. I would like to point out that this kind of basic attitude also characterizes left-wing activists elsewhere. We should also have electric cars, but no battery production. Let there be electric cars, but not Chinese ones. It's just that electric Mercedes, Audi or Volkswagen are unaffordable for the average person. If I didn't spend on anything, didn't pay utilities, rent and didn't even eat, maybe I could put together the price of a German electric car in 10 years. The Chinese one is much cheaper and a better construction. Yet the Germans want a punitive tariff. Of course, German regulations are absurd in other areas as well. It was stipulated that the heating systems must be changed from gas to, say, mixed fuel, I will change it to pellet and heat pump, except that such a conversion costs 30,000 euros. This is a brutal amount for, say, a small pensioner who receives 1,200-1,300 euros. He pays 3-400 euros for rent, and he has to live on the rest. Now these people are being punished and why? Because sanctions were introduced against Russia and gas became expensive. What can a single pensioner do about this? I also have a relative who could afford to switch to a heat pump system, and the government came up with the idea that mixed heating is needed, because the heat pump is not that good either. Now this relative of mine called me and told me that if they invent a new charity every year, then the government should pay the costs of the transition. The vegetables of the Greens are simply impossible to follow, which is why the conservative side broke through in the EU elections.

"Speaking of choice." The sovereignist side has become stronger, what will the globalists do about it? They divide the positions among themselves and put on them what the voters indicated by voting. They act exactly like Baerbock, who doesn't care what his constituents want, he does what he likes anyway.

– I was a pessimist before the elections, now I have become a little more optimistic, although there was no huge breakthrough. The Christian-conservative side got a little stronger, but no big change is expected, because the European Union is drowning in its own dogmas. Such is transgenderism, LGBTQ, the unconditional support of Ukraine, bringing Europe into a war that we have nothing to do with, since this is a war between two Slavic brother nations, the Hungarians, Germans, Italians, Portuguese, and French in the whole world have nothing to do with this war. If there were, say, an armed conflict in these countries - as there was in Spain under Franco or there was in Portugal - the Russians did not intervene and would not intervene now. However, the European Union together with NATO wants to push us into a war. That's why the patriotic platform was created, which then quickly outgrew itself and expanded into a faction. It was a pleasure to see how those liberals who mocked that Viktor Orbán was left alone, isolated, that he was dragged into the pipe, that nothing will come of it anyway, Hungary will stand here alone with their pants down. Well, in two days it turned out that this is not the case, we became the third largest political force in Brussels. Their eyes may roll, they may stare, especially because this is a growing, constantly expanding faction, which may eventually become the biggest, strongest faction.

– It is not in dispute that the globalists were terrified by this, which is also indicated by the fact that Ursula von der Leyen immediately felt her re-election in danger. Immediately after the election, he tried to win over Meloni and their faction.

- Italy found itself in a very difficult situation after covid, tourism died, the country needs many hundreds of billions of euros to stay afloat. The President of the European Commission can influence the allocation of development funds, the price of which was probably to support Leyen's candidacy, not to obstruct migration and not to join forces with Viktor Orbán. Salvini, on the other hand, is a Karakan man, he kept his word that he wanted to cooperate with Viktor Orbán. Matteo is a great person. The problem is that in Brussels they don't care about what their voters want, just like Annalena Baerbock, only what is in Ukraine's interest. It is clear that Ursula von der Leyen does not care much about what you and I, my family, anyone thinks, and what the hundreds of millions of European voters want, but they want to continue to politicize according to certain interests, mostly the interests of the United States of America, but we were still able to show that there is a possibility for change. Obviously, it won't be a lightning-fast turnaround, but it should come slowly. Several other political forces will have to realize that it is not a good thing to maneuver towards a nuclear war. The European Union was not invented to cause the death of hundreds of millions of Europeans because they will drag us into a nuclear conflict together with NATO, but so that there are strong sovereign countries, they should be united into a whole that has an economy , to be among the big players in the sandbox of the world alongside the United States and China, not for everyone to be transgender, homosexual, or to deify anyone who is. They always try to accuse Hungary of being Eurosceptic and wanting to leave the European Union. No, that's not the case. But we want to change it a bit. We want to push it back in the direction we came from.

– After what we talked about, are you an optimist?

"I'm always an optimist." I have a lot of faith in Viktor Orbán's peace-making mission, because no matter how much they scold him, no matter how much they try to belittle him, he is indeed fulfilling an important mission.

- Mrs. Gyurcsány called the peace mission treason. I listen to what he says because he and the leftists know what treason is.

- I am less interested in what those left-wing security policy experts say, who have never stood up from an armchair in their life, they only get information from the left-wing press. At least I take the trouble and go to war zones to see the truth with my own eyes and talk to the people there. I am optimistic because I see that Viktor Orbán is not a man of empty gestures, he did not go to the broadcast to take a few photos with his partners. What Viktor Orbán says or does always has a reason, he is guided by an ulterior motive in a good sense, which leads somewhere, even if we ordinary people don't see it. He doesn't fly to Moscow or Beijing to have a good time there and maybe show the world that hey, I'll negotiate here. There is a reason for this, which will become clear, but it obviously takes time, and there is also the key figure, Donald Trump, who has repeatedly stated that as soon as he is installed, he will end the war in a week. The Ukrainian leadership must also keep this in mind, because it is possible that after Trump's inauguration, as commander-in-chief of the army, he will say, okay, from now on, all military experts will come home, we will no longer hand over the recordings of our satellites to the Ukrainians, because this is in the interest of national security. we don't deliver any more weapons, no more money. If they want to fight, let them fight, but I will rather advise President Zelensky to start negotiations with Moscow either through intermediaries or directly. This will most likely be the case, and then we will see what Europe does. They will continue to incite Zelenskyi on the basis that nothing is expensive for a kibitzer, or there will be those who will say that they are sorry, but this cannot be sustained any longer. The budget deficit is big, we can't give more money, our supplies are exhausted, I'm sorry, but others will give. And if nothing else, Zelensky will stand there and think that the Russians will overrun us and lose a lot more territory because I have a big face, or admit that I won't win the war and before more damage is done, I have to give up territory for peace. I trust President Putin. He is a man of his word, very calm, very deliberate and one of the most intelligent people in world politics. So if he says that he only wants Dombas, and that the West recognizes that Crimea will remain an inalienable part of Russia forever, and that Ukraine will not become a NATO member, then he will not go any further, so he will not to figure out in a year's time that I still want to occupy this and that area. It would not excite Moscow if the Zelenskiys became an EU member, but they cannot allow Russia to have a common border with NATO. This is understandable, and even if a peace treaty were not reached - although it would be good if it was - a permanent cease-fire could still be established. It would not be unprecedented, there is no peace treaty between North and South Korea, the armistice works on the contrary.

The interview was conducted by: György Tóth Jr
