Liberals and progressives are fighting each other. The preferred opposition, globalist politics of the people of Gombasög also has its limits, they are now called Péter Magyar.

Just a few days ago, we looked at the article of the Hungarian portal in the Uplands, in which they argue how it can happen for years that the largest youth camp in the Uplands, the Gombaszög festival, has been financed by the right-wing Hungarian government by the liberal-progressives there, especially harmful to the Hungarians in the Uplands. uses it to promote their pro-assimilation policy. Right now, "there was a disturbance in the force", they should have put on stage a politician whose appearance could possibly have reduced their budget.

The Slovak daily newspaper, Új Szó, published in Hungarian, withdraws from Gombaszög because the organizers did not allow their program to be implemented.

Among the invited guests of Új Szó were Péter Magyar, the leader of the Tisza Party, and Gábor Grendel, a parliamentary representative of the Slovakian Movement faction. The topic of the conversation would have been the possibilities of opposition politics, to which both guests agreed.

"Next to Péter Magyar, Gábor Grendel is not a sufficient parity, this was vetoed by the program committee, and the camp can only accept it in such a form that a relevant counterweight suitable to his status undertakes the debate," the organizers of the camp said. - We read about this in the article of Új Só .

The opinion of the organizers:

The leader of the Tisza Party and a member of the European Parliament was invited by Új Szó. The editor of the paper, Gábor Czímer, would have talked with him and Gábor Grendel, who is a representative of the Slovak parliament in the colors of the Slovensko (Slovensko) party. The topic of the conversation would have been the opportunities facing the opposition and the political tools available to them in Slovakia and Hungary.

The organizers rejected the Magyar-Grendel pair, the leader of the Tisza party would only have been allowed to perform together with Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary, or possibly Tamas Deutsch, the Fidesz European Parliament representative and the leader of the party's group of EP representatives.

Let's scrutinize the biased justification of the organizers.

The globalist portals, Új Szó and are regularly invited to the festival, where they can implement programs, round table discussions, and podium discussions according to their needs. Relevant media outlets on the other side of the imaginary barricade, read by many, such as and Körké, do not even get the opportunity to present their position. Recently, it was these media outlets that repeatedly pointed out the political misdeeds of the liberal Jihadist young titans associated with Mushroom Corner. This is certainly why the committed supporters of democracy decided not to even invite us to debate in order to avoid topics that are unpleasant for them. Of course, the silencing of conservative voices with national sentiments is done in the interests of freedom of speech and the public good... - writes

But returning to the scandal between Új Szó and Gombaszög. According to the justification of the organizers, "relevant political opponents matching their status" are only allowed to sit down and talk to each other. They are partly right, since one of the daily's guests is a livelihood politician pursuing activist politics, while the other is an activist who wants to become a politician. A typical case of Gizike and his vapors.

A foaming-mouthed orbán hater would think that the organizers show their unconditional loyalty out of self-sacrifice in exchange for so much state support.

However, these guys did not take a pledge of feudalism in exchange for the money flowing from the Motherland, but they used these large sums of money several times to demoralize the Hungarians in the highlands.

However, we cannot go without the calculator's double standard.

Nothing proves better that under the tent, politicians who avoid Hungarian affairs from afar, but who are ideologically on the same side, can easily sit at the same table, like Heger and Ódor. The directors gave the green light to the realization of the conversation.

It is no coincidence that Péter Magyar's public appearance is a thorn in the side of the Gombaszögös faces.

I can imagine that the Örs made a quick risk analysis, where Heger, Ódor, Krúbi, Bródy, the rainbow flag bearers, the feminists could just barely fit, but they came to the conclusion that Péter Magyar would be too much.

They assessed the possible consequences of their actions and chose the safer path. In this way, subsidies can remain, even though they could have been withdrawn for a number of other reasons. For example, when Orsz Orsz would have beaten Feri's genitalia with Orbán on the podium set up by the largest cultural organization of the Hungarians in the highlands in the youth camp with the longest history of the Hungarians in the highlands.

The year before last, the Csemadok stage of the Gombaszögi Summer Camp hosted the excellent entertainer who sang in a very lyrical way the joint slapping of the tails of the two defining heads of government of the 21st century. So that the Christian roots are not left out, even God comes into the picture.

I will also show you how:

"I open the door and see two figures in suits.
Holy shit, this is Orbán and Feri.
Orbán is beating Feri's dick with all his might"

This terrible phenomenon, the favorites of the mushroom-shaped faces, the independent-objectives, were not really bothered by the tail beating.

This year, Új Szó decided to cancel all its program points for a completely different reason, which is why Péter Magyar cannot sit at the same table with Gábor Grendel. It seems that the mischievous, woman-beating left-wing messiah, who is illuminated in night clubs, is driving a wedge between Gombaszög and Új Szó, who otherwise have a close relationship.

The globalists are whining

Of course, the liberal-globalist papers are blabbering in both countries, writes that Péter Magyar is not allowed into the Gombaszö camp, Új Szó canceled all its programs due to censorship, and Index also writes about the banning of the Tisza party's salvation.

Source: ,

Cover photo: MTI/Péter Komka

THE (untouchable) COUNTRYSIDE, or so the Hungarian government supports the liberals in the highlands