Here is the typical "independently objective" media harassment, which is cooked in the same witch's kitchen from New York to Paris, from Madrid to Budapest.

This palpable cajoling, this vile incitement is the silver bullet. And even though someone else pulls the trigger, these mediums bear an eternal responsibility for actually leading some of them to the point of irreversibility.

Parentheses: I personally know a lady whose career collapsed at the age of 40 as a single, rootless person, who was forced to take seasonal work near the border at the age of 40, and she didn't even understand why. It's simple: in the beauty industry - despite the fact that he was a really great, knowledgeable professional - they don't appreciate the continuous vomiting of bile, the guest goes to relax, not to listen to an unfortunate person trapped in the Bermuda Triangle of 444-HGV-Telex about how mindensz@rizmust FactCheckeli . Bracket closed.

So here's this horrible story, this unacceptable move, a coach kicking a little kid who literally falls on his head before sprawling on the ground. Terrible. There is no sane person who does not judge without thinking.


But then comes the fourth branch of power, the entity that has been positioning itself for a long time in the wrong role, whose vileness is inversely proportional to its responsibility, and it combs the news a bit, embellishes it, embellishes it, otherwise it would be so unimportant, after all, who cares if a child is kicked! Otherwise, how could one produce a narrative?

Independent lenses have long been telling stories rather than news, and this story leads to the fact that the guy received an award four years ago, namely from Katalin Novák.

From the president of the republic, who has not been a public figure for half a year, who resigned, whose career was ruined by the pardon case. And what does Novák have to do with this man and his actions? Nothing. Awards are usually given for the past, not for the future.

But the progressive press doesn't care about that in the least.

And it's time to squirm, oh, how much more! After all, that's the goal, right, kids? Because all right-wingers are demons in their own right, and against demons everything is permitted. They can be exterminated, in fact, they must be exterminated! But only democratically, within the framework of the rule of law.

And if it still doesn't work, see Trump's evening, you must not sympathize with the victim - the majority of the European Parliament even voted to condemn the attempted murder - because he is not actually a victim, but the Old Demon himself. Are you confused my friend? I understand. We have reached the point where you cannot decide for yourself who is the culprit and who is the victim. Self-proclaimed world solvers will tell you that, don't bother thinking.

The good news, however, is that at least it turned out that we are visionary demons - Novák certainly is, since he already knew about the future actions of his awardee four years ago. I sincerely hope he plays the lottery and wins the five no later than 2028.

Featured image: MTI/Noémi Bruzák