Good advice for drivers.

Due to the starting mating of the roe deer, the National Hungarian Hunting Protection Association calls attention to caution and more attentive traffic during the next one month.

In the statement of the protection association, it was written: in the next month, motorists should drive even more carefully than usual, because the mating of the deer lasts until the middle of August.

During the busy season, animals appear much more often on public roads; during the mating behavior of the European roe deer, the bucks chase the doe or each other during the competitive fight. In this case, they are more active than usual and move in a larger area, even during the day.

Since it is the largest and most widespread big game species in Hungary, they can be expected to appear on public roads practically throughout the country, which means an increased risk of accidents from approximately the second half of July to the middle of August.

In 78 percent of the 7,400 big-game kills a year, deer are trampled, a good part of them during the fight.

The association advises motorists to drive slower than the speed limit. If an animal has run in front of the vehicle, do not speed up, as another will almost certainly follow.

If hitting a wild animal is unavoidable, you must apply the emergency brakes and prepare for the collision, do not pull the steering wheel aside.


Cover image: The fight of the deer begins