The presenter began serving in uniform during the coronavirus epidemic.

"Nowadays, I go around the place by car, bicycle or even on foot in the required uniform, it's already routine. Basically, this is a quiet settlement of two thousand people, but with the arrival of summer, we are also overwhelmed by the crowd. Providing festivals, sports competitions and other events is also part of our tasks, but also the prevention and treatment of accidents. We also have a motorboat if we are needed in the water," said the television host , speaking to Blikk

István Pálffy, the presenter, works as a policeman in Balatonkenes.

It also turned out that Pálffy also applied to be a reserve soldier, but he did not manage to join the Hungarian Armed Forces because all the investigations would have taken too much time.

"I visited the Veszprém county headquarters, where the lieutenant colonel commander informed me that, among other things, I would have to take part in medical, fitness, and psychological examinations and a training camp, and that it would take roughly nine months before I reached the end of the schedule."

- said the journalist, who will reach retirement age in November, so in the end he did not go through with the procedure, because he could have served only three months.

Featured image: MH-archiv/Andrea Kövesdi