The dispute between Róbert Ábrahám and Róbert Puzsér escalated into violence and became a police case. Róbert Ábrahám does not regret what he did, he admits that the honor of his family is worth more than anything else.

Róbert Ábrahám and Róbert Puzsér got into a fight over the weekend: the journalist hit the critic. Public opinion is divided on the issue of physical violence, some support Abraham, while others condemn him.

Tempers have been raging on social media for years between the journalist and the critic. Last spring, Puzsér sided with Róbert Ábrahám, but the back-and-forth calls have been going on for quite some time.

Ábrahám wanted to settle the conflict in public, but it didn't work out, so he asked Puzsér for a personal meeting, where they got so fired up that Ábrahám hit the critic.

The Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK) indicated in a statement that Ábrahám was questioned for attempted serious bodily harm,

who, according to his confession, went to the police himself to give a statement after the incident because he accepts responsibility for his actions. However, after Puzsér's report, he did not escape the repeated questioning.

- The police came at dawn on Saturday, they detained me in front of my children, I couldn't even call my lawyer. At dawn, they were locked in a cell, imprisoned and interrogated - claims Ábrahám, whose words were also confirmed by the BRFK.

"On July 19, 2024, around 7:00 p.m., the suspected perpetrator reported to BRFK XIII. At the District Police Station, on the basis of which report, however, no suspicion of a crime to be prosecuted ex officio arose. The victim made his report to BRFK IX on July 19, 2024 at around 10 p.m. after receiving medical care. at the district police station, on the basis of which the suspicion of a crime to be prosecuted (attempted serious bodily injury) arose. BRFK IX. Police officers of the District Police Department, Act XXXIV of 1994 on the Police. On the basis of Section 33 (2) b) of the Act, the suspected perpetrator was produced on July 20, 2024 at around 0:30 a.m., and the IX. He was interrogated as a suspect at the District Police Station," the statement said.

Róbert Ábrahám accepts his actions and believes that he has no reason to apologize, as he believes that Puzsér went too far with his posts in which he questioned his origin.

– When I arrived at the meeting place, he arrived absorbed in himself and stood in my face. He wanted to leave right in the middle of the discussion, I reached out and took his hand, as I would do to a friend, to stop him, let's talk some more, before he pushed me away. I hit him with my palm, not my fist, as he claims. I slapped him reflexively, and I admit, in fact, I regret that I didn't do it two years ago when he first hurt my family. I'm sorry that in the end it all happened by my hand, and violence is not a good thing, but I think it has become a metaphorical matter, as it raised the question of where is the limit of Internet defamation - explained Ábrahám, who says that for a long time tolerated the teasing.

According to Puzsér, Ábrahám published a disparaging article about him on the website of Pesti Srácok about every month, to which he responded with a satirical mockery on his Facebook page.

"There is no doubt that those who take satisfaction with their fists have run out of words." But Róbert Ábrahám lives in principle from his written and spoken words, he should find arguments for that. In connection with the case, there is an obvious relativization of violence in the public. They lie that a satirical taunt is verbal violence comparable to physical violence. So they would abolish freedom of the press. According to them, from now on I can't write what I think because they will beat me in the face? I refuse to adapt to this. There is freedom of speech, but there is no freedom to strike. Enough of the woke insanity! Puzsér disparaged.

The fact of the punch divided public opinion, some people stand by Ábrahám, while others do not like physical violence.

"I committed a crime." Puzsér is working to make this a crime, since he said I punched him. I have a clean record, my family, my wife. I don't regret what I did. At my workplace, they were confused about the case, but in the end they stood up for me, but I failed many appearances because of it. It's okay if I lose everything. It's just existence. My family's honor is worth more than anything else, declared Róbert Ábrahám.

Cover photo: For Róbert Ábrahám, the honor of his family comes first
Source: Facebook/Róbert Ábrahám