Two and a half times more people (49 percent) consider Viktor Orbán to be the most suitable person for the position of prime minister than Péter Magyar (19 percent).

Fidesz-KDNP maintained its advantage (47 percent), while the Tisza Party did not gain new voters (29 percent) since the EP elections, and Ferenc Gyurcsány's party did not lose any more (8 percent). Meanwhile, two and a half times more people (49 percent) consider Viktor Orbán to be the most suitable person for the position of prime minister than Péter Magyar (19 percent), and seven times more than Klára Dobrev (7 percent), according to the latest public opinion poll of the Nézőpont Institute. the MTI.

Fidesz-KDNP continues to lead the party competition in July:

would get 47 percent of the votes in a parliamentary election,

which is 2 percentage points higher than the result of the European Parliament election in June, but is actually a shift within the margin of error. In the meantime, it seems that the spring reorganization of the left field has begun. The Tisza Party has 29 percent support (it reached almost 30 percent in June), and the DK–MSZP–P coalition would repeat its 8 percent result achieved in the EP elections. Mi Hazánk Mozgalom is confidently above the entry threshold, it could even reach 9 percent in a parliamentary election this Sunday (it reached almost 7 percent in the EP election). Among the parties that did not win a mandate in the EP elections, the Kétfarkú Kutya Párt would have the best chance (5 percent) of entering the parliament (it reached almost 4 percent in June), while the support of the other micro-parties is already only 2 percent together (in the EP elections were over 7 percent).

It is also instructive to assess the suitability of individual political leaders as prime minister. Among the potential prime ministerial candidates of a possible parliamentary election, Hungarians clearly consider Viktor Orbán to be the most suitable to lead Hungary in the largest proportion (49 percent).

The positive assessment of the Hungarian Prime Minister, who has founded a new European party alliance since the election and embarked on a peace mission, exceeds even the popularity of the governing parties on this issue.

Only 19 percent of Hungarians would consider the leader of the largest opposition party, Péter Magyar, to be the most suitable head of government. This also means that at least a third of Tisza Party sympathizers would support Péter Magyar's party, which has been embroiled in a disco scandal since the election, regardless of or despite the politician's identity.

The percentage of those who consider Klára Dobrev to be the most suitable prime minister (7 percent) is not even higher than the DK–MSZP–P voting camp, and compared to the percentage of Mi Hazánk voters, there are only half as many (4 percent) who see László Toroczkai as the most suitable prime minister.


Cover photo: Viktor Orbán/Facebook