Well, for this they need such thick skin, compared to which the skin of a rhinoceros can look like thin tissue paper. This is what happens when the Gyurcsány party opposes the alleged austerity.

It is fundamentally distasteful if the party of the person who holds the Guinness record for price and tax increases protests against the supposed austerity. in the introduction of special taxes and the imposition of other charges (such as tuition fees, visiting fees, hospital daily allowances, etc.).

It's like a bank robber complaining about banks using security systems.

Olga Kálmán, who records the announcement of the DK, once - of course, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away - perhaps did not twist reality out of corners in every sentence, but today she does just that. He distorts, distorts as he can. He clings to a sentence that factually states private things, and then pretends that this sentence exposes the government.

The current basic sentence comes from the CEO of MOL and reads: " There is no such thing as a tax not being included in the prices" . At which point, Olgica is alarmed, because she sees proof that the government is not paying for the cuts with the multis, but with the people.

First, there has never been a situation where taxes did not affect prices. Not even during the time of King Mátyás the Just, so the statement of the MOL leader is not a revelation, but a simple statement of facts. And before someone snorts that there was no such thing during socialism, just think about how that economic system worked. Taxes may have been lower on paper, but prices were regularly raised. In the meantime, there was hardly any salary increase, in other words, the tax increases were "hidden" behind the curtain of low wages and rising prices.

So we can state that yes, taxes are included in the prices. And that people pay for this, so who else would pay? There is no government that has its own money, expenses can only be covered by revenues.

As for the special taxes levied on multi-cars, the government has so far successfully prevented them from being included in consumer prices.

Of course, the multinationals try to play around with this, because it hurts their little souls if their profits are lower and sometimes they can temporarily play around with the pass-through ban, but the government is (also) there to prevent this. See the collapse of food prices, or the suppression of fuel prices that rise sharply at intervals. In other words, it is true that normal taxes are automatically included in the prices, but the same can be prevented in the case of special taxes.

Although the government led by the perpetrator Gy. Ferenc did not impose a special tax, it "smoothly" raised taxes in a way that did not affect the multis, and regularly.

Meanwhile, he continuously raised prices (there won't be a gas hike, right, just 13 times), and his tax system crippled even the lowest earners. On the other hand, he was not at all diligent in raising wages, in contrast to social expenses, because he eliminated them with endless diligence.

According to Olgicica, "The Hungarian government is not working on the well-being of the people, but on its complete evisceration, on taking even the last forints from the struggling millions through austerity."

So, according to him, we voted two-thirds of confidence in the Christian-conservative government for the fourth time because we want them to eviscerate us as much as possible and take our last forints. I think the important means of gutting are utility reduction, the 13th monthly pension (if possible, even a pension premium), social security, tax exemption for young people under the age of 25, lifetime tax exemption for mothers with 4 children and other subsidies.

How much more modern and how much more social democratic it was when they introduced and then took away the 13th monthly pension, reduced the discount housing loans, reduced the GYS and GYED subsidies, greatly inflated unemployment and so on. That was the real thing, wasn't it, super smart Olga?

I wonder what kind of virtual world the spokeswoman can live in if she only sees what is not there, but wants to see? And you think that if you see the invisible, then it is so.

This woman really makes everyone look stupid.

Mrs. Gyurcsány concludes their announcement as follows: "We believe that those who work with integrity or have worked throughout their lives deserve a decent living. In the country where this is not fulfilled, the government does not represent the people."

You are very right about that. Where the government is like this, it does not represent the people. This is exactly what her dear husband and his government did. According to them, even the woman realized that the MSZP-SZDSZ gang did not represent the people, because under their rule, even if someone worked his life with integrity, he did not earn a decent living.

I'm not making an example of others, because there are probably as many people as there are as many different destinies, so I'm only stating what I experienced myself during the great social democratic course. I worked myself to death - I don't mention this as a complaint, because I loved my job and was able to work many times more than many of my colleagues - and I reached the point where I didn't earn enough to support my family safely and pay the ever-increasing utilities without any problems . Knowing this, it is perhaps not unexpected if I do not want the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Kálmán Olga social democrats in the middle of my back.

You have thick skin, Olga, very thick.

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover photo:
Vice President László Varju, Party President Ferenc Gyurcsány and his wife, European Parliament member Klára Dobrev - Photo: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs