We are forced to listen to the erroneous ideas of popular political analyst Tibor Attila Nagy. It is difficult to understand why a left-wing provocateur gets a role in the right-wing media. The self-proclaimed independent figure, smeared with all the fat, is undoubtedly prepared, who, like in the fairy tale, tries to sing the cheese out of the Hungarians' mouths.

He does this amid barely restrained mocking smiles, telling the viewers that his victory over his debate partner cannot be doubted. For example, he claims that Ursula von der Leyen was returned to the presidency of the European Commission by European citizens. In contrast, the reality is that no one asked European voters about their actual will. What happened was that artificially recruited factions of left-wing representatives in the EP put the lady back in the position of "grandmother".

There is no doubt that Mrs. von der Leyen is a super egoist, and in the last term she played a decisive role in the decline of our societies and economies. At the same time, the people of Europe wanted peace and not war against him, they were against illegal migration, and with the will of the majority they wanted to preserve their Judeo-Christian culture dating back thousands of years. The old-new European Commission president is a caught man. It could be because, according to the judgment of the European Court of Justice, he entered into a suspected corruption deal with the Pfizer company via text message without consulting his superiors. So it was and still is in the interests of the Hungarian-hating leader of the People's Party, Manfred Weber, to hold the reins of Ms. von der Leyen.

Returning to our political analyst, he seems to foresee everything and with his almighty spirit he belittled and declared insignificant the third largest faction in the European Union parliament, the Patriots for Europe Association. It was clear from his words that he also considers the Hungarian Prime Minister's diplomatic offensive aimed at peace to be ridiculous.

Of course, it is not up to him that, on the initiative of Viktor Orbán, the Patriots for Europe faction is a group of intellectual patriot politicians who won the support of millions of people in Europe with their pro-peace. They began their work with dedicated work, in the firestorm of war theories, for a more beautiful and better Europe. They reject the views of the ultraliberal system of ideas that kill people and push the body and soul into suicide. They believe that based on the sovereignty of states, true democracy and the rule of law accepted by the peoples of their member countries, with a strong economy, a European army allied with NATO, they will achieve the expected respect from the great powers.

Manfred Weber and Ursula von der Leyen will soon be forced to wake up from their dreams. The next election in the United States could mean a cold shower. The world will be different.

In Europe, there is no need for a super-state and the assistance it requires. But we need peace. The leaders of the states become aware of the natural task imposed on them, which is to work for a better future for the citizens who trust in them. Increasing the competitiveness and strength of their economy is like the continuous Olympics, where in addition to participation, it is important to catch up with the winners of the moment.

The management of the European Union can only be imagined with respect for the sovereignty of the people and the genuineness of democracy. In the current elections, the member countries nominate their country's leaders. The Maastricht Treaty clearly refers to the equality of the states that signed it. The Union as an institution cannot function without a hierarchy. The highest level in the organization of the European Council is made up of the heads of state and prime ministers of the member states. It is mandatory for them to enforce consensus in the course of their decisions, in favor of all member countries and never against them. This is also unavoidable in order to ensure basic cohesion.

The European Parliament and the European Commission cannot arbitrarily abuse the fact that large countries declared as middle powers, such as France, Germany and Italy, can send significantly more representatives to their organizations due to their size.

The combined dominance of the number of representatives who carry the ideals of their party cannot mean domination, they are employees of their country, as Viktor Orbán specified in his radio interview. The European Parliament and the European Commission do not operate to provide a battlefield for party factions. No one can seriously think that they, who are the hands and feet of the body of the institutional system, can get to the top of the hierarchy at any time. It is unacceptable when these two organizations want to usurp the powers of the Council of Europe with fraudulent cooperation and elements of corruption. It is not possible to contribute to the end of the classical structure of the European Union, because this could lead to disintegration.

In order to preserve the sovereignty of Europe and Hungary within it, there is no need for the interventions of foreign interests that weaken our community, the dollars of financiers who order lies, the mine work of the foundations and associations bought with such money that cause social contradictions and blockages.

On the basis of the above, we recommend to Tibor Attila Nagy for consideration and acceptance that the peoples of Europe are wise, they see through the sieve, they reject the insidious falsehoods that poison the peace of our societies.

Forward patriots!

László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA

Featured image: civilek.info