Balázs Orbán, the prime minister's political director, gave comprehensive answers about the Hungarian strategy at Tusványos. He revealed that the Patriots for Europe faction in the EP will soon expand, but he also spoke about Péter Magyar.

The East is on an upward trajectory, everyone wanted to be a part of it, at least this was the situation for about fifteen years - stated Balázs Orbán at the event called the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp, i.e. Tusványos. The prime minister's political director explained that at that time we did the same thing as the Germans or the French, we invited Asian investors, and we tried to export our products to the markets there. Today, however, a world system change is taking place, the like of which has not happened for at least five hundred years, so the competition is not taking place within the West.

When Trump is elected, there will likely be a “breakthrough”. In addition, it was a jackpot for Hungary at that time. After all, the world's number one superpower will see us as its strategic ally, and the second, China, will also see us in the same way in Europe. This may open up historic opportunities, but at the same time, this situation was chosen for us by life, it was not because of us that it did not happen with the Biden administration, he explained.

the Western strategy has become to suppress the developing powers outside the West, and to make engagement exclusive within the bloc.

Almost a lot of articles on the Foreign Affairs interface are about blocking, he pointed out.

According to him, this means that in 2014 and 2022 the Russians attacked the Ukrainians in violation of international law, but now the world reacted to the same thing in a completely different way. Today, the Western idea of ​​blocking exists, and therefore it wants to push Russia out in every respect so that it cannot be a challenger.

Blockage pushes us to the periphery, into a collision zone, and cuts off the path of development for us. So this is not good for us. The French and the Germans don't settle for this anyway, at best the French are more diplomatic, while the Germans have moved to the other side, trying to be at the forefront of the process, which they don't like.

Blockage pushes us to the periphery, into a collision zone, and cuts off the path of development for us. So this is not good for us. The French and the Germans don't settle for this anyway, at best the French are more diplomatic, while the Germans have moved to the other side, trying to be at the forefront of the process, which they don't like.

"We are a small country, our region is not as exciting for the world today as it was around the regime change. That's why we have to have a strategy that differentiates us, makes it clear to the whole world, we have our own logic, with intellectual pull and political stability. For this, we have to put on the table how we think about war or migration," he said.

In connection with the peace mission and the question of whether we are paying too high a price for this, the politician said that now everyone feels that the situation and the discourse about us are getting rougher. According to Orbán, at the same time, all this must be seen in an international context, it is enough to look only at the Republicans: they are trying to execute their candidate in a political sense, to supplant his initiatives.

The same thing happens everywhere with the forces acting against the existing structure.

When Trump is elected, there will likely be a “breakthrough”. In addition, it was a jackpot for Hungary at that time. After all, the world's number one superpower will see us as its strategic ally, and the second, China, will also see us in the same way in Europe. This may open up historic opportunities, but at the same time, this situation was chosen for us by life, it was not because of us that it did not happen with the Biden administration, he explained.

Meanwhile, the transformation of Western politics is clearer than ever. He pointed out: if we add up the right-wing forces in the new European Parliament, we can already speak of a majority, and voter movements will sooner or later force further change. The old parties must adapt to this as well.

He underlined: so

the right wing today is bigger and more united than before, the "Brussels opposition position" belongs to the right wing, the people are represented by the right wing against bad EU decisions.

He also touched on the fact that the Italians and the French are also nationalists, which is why we love them.

"The Hungarian Prime Minister and Hungarian right-wing thought have such a reputation, influence, and gravitational force that we have come to the conclusion that we are also creating a party family, which will also grow. This is a huge step forward”

he explained.

Previously, only the parties of the founding countries could do this in the EP, now Central Europe has succeeded. This is its appeal, even though the largest delegation in the group is Le Pen's delegation, the political director added.

In connection with the domestic political situation, he also mentioned that sooner or later it will become clear that the "king is naked", and it will also become clear to his current supporters that Péter Magyar is not acceptable. He noted that he personally dislikes the leader of the Tisza Party, and everyone in Fidesz feels the same way.

Featured image: Mandiner