Ukrainian men fleeing the front spoke of their terrible ordeals, who do not believe the statistics.

Focus writes that Andriy paid six thousand dollars to escape from Ukraine, Vasil hid, Mykola was abroad when the war broke out and simply did not return . As we know, the Ukrainian government ordered an inhuman conscription due to the hopeless situation experienced in the war, the number of people who can be conscripted is dwindling.

"I came to Berlin a few years before the Russian invasion to work as a construction worker. I am from Western Ukraine and now

there are almost no men left in our village. They are either at the front or, like me, abroad"

said Mykola, who added: "I resent the Ukrainian state for not giving us any social guarantees, but at the same time asking us to return to the country to protect it. I don't feel obligated to do that because I don't agree with the current policy . He emphasized:

he doesn't believe the statistics, he thinks the number of people heard and injured is much higher,

as the Ukrainian government claims.

"The children of Ukrainian politicians, on the other hand, do not fight at all. They hide their sons, but send ordinary people to the front"  

he told me. For example, it turned out that his cousin was conscripted and declared missing, but since his body was not found, his wife cannot receive the support promised by the Ukrainian government.

Vaszil stated that he does not feel like a traitor. Now recruiting officers are literally on the street, in traffic and at checkpoints

they hunt people, so he ventures into public places as little as possible,

He told.

Andrij confessed to Focus: he paid six thousand euros for his freedom and life in exchange. In his own country, he might be considered a coward and a traitor, he said, but other people's opinions don't matter much to him. “I think it's better to be a living war resister than a dead hero. And I believe that many of those who condemn

I'm actually jealous of me. I enjoy the life of a free man, while others wait with dread every day to be called to the front.

I was braver than them by running away. It was risky, but I did it – mainly for my wife and kids.”  

Here's a breakdown of the line-up:

Via Mandiner

Featured Image: Soldiers of the 72nd Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade practice near the frontline in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region on March 18, 2024, during Russia's war against Ukraine. MTI/EPA/Olga Kovalova