After 20:00 on Wednesday evening, 120,000 text messages will be sent out to find out who was successful in university or college admission.

Almost 20,000 more people enrolled this year compared to last year, and all this is a big breakthrough according to Veronika Varga-Bajusz, Blikk . The Secretary of State responsible for higher education, vocational and adult training, and youth at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) said in the M1 morning program that the renewal of the higher education admissions system began two years ago, introducing a more flexible and broader procedure.

This year's change is the introduction of additional institutional points and the fact that the fifth graduation subject is determined by the university.

As it turned out from the conversation, economics courses were the most popular among the applicants this year as well, and it is gratifying that the second most people submitted their application forms for teacher training. The state secretary also said this year

the popularity of rural universities reached that of Budapest, every second applicant indicated a rural university.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz later added on Kossuth Radio that the number of applicants over the age of 30 doubled this year, which shows that more and more people are realizing the value of a diploma in the labor market. Applicants will receive an SMS notification of the result from 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

If you don't receive a message right away, don't worry, everyone will receive the notification within an hour or a half.

Those who do not manage to get into a higher education institution now can apply to another university or college as part of supplementary admission from July 30.

Featured image: Young people celebrate their successful admission at the Pont Ott Parti - admission results event in Budapest, on the ELTE Lágymányosi Campus on July 22, 2021. MTI/Noémi Bruzák