Even though she doesn't even go to school, she was the only one who rushed to her aunt's aid.

Recently, an elderly woman fell ill at a bus stop in Csongrád-Csanád County. Several people walked past the unconscious patient without helping him, until a little girl in a car noticed him.

On the social media page of the National Ambulance Service, she wrote about how five-year-old Léna immediately told her father to stand aside and let them look at the aunt.

The father immediately complied with his daughter's request, and after they could not wake up the patient, the man asked for the help of the ambulance.

The rescue controller immediately alerted several rescue units, who arrived on the scene within minutes and began providing advanced care to the woman, who was eventually

Thanks to Léna's helpfulness, they were transported to the hospital in a stable condition.

The little girl was later hosted at the Szeged Ambulance Station, where she talked a lot with the lifeguards.

Although Léna is only just getting ready for school, she is very knowledgeable in the field of calling an ambulance and first aid, which she demonstrated and which many adults could follow as an example.


Cover photo: A five-year-old girl rushed to the elderly woman's aid
Source: Facebook/National Emergency Service