Shortly before the opening of the Olympics, the French high-speed rail network was shut down after unknown people caused damage by arson. Many trains were hijacked or cancelled, and the attacks took place deliberately before the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

The Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, reacted to the news and condemned the vandalism, and emphasized that the vandalism not only endangers the Olympic opening, but also the vacation of the French people.

According to a statement from the French railway company, SNCF, fires were set at three points on the TGV lines running west, north and east of Paris, which caused huge lines to form in the morning. The reason for this is not only the Olympics, but also the fact that Parisians traditionally start their holidays at this time. In the coming month, the city is usually emptied.

However, it is hard not to see the connection between the Olympic opening and what happened. Speaking to AFP, one of the sources close to the investigation, for example, speaks of clear sabotage in connection with the case.

According to the current situation, the shutdown may affect 800,000 people and not only in France. Due to the incident, the Eurostar trains also stopped, Magyar Hírlap observed.

CNN wrote . French state rail company SNCF said "a large number of trains have been diverted or cancelled" and asked "all travelers who can to postpone their journeys and not go to the station". Three lines were involved in the attack, damage was also caused, but there was a sabotage incident that was thwarted.

- SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou told reporters on Friday that the cables - which keep train drivers safe - were set on fire and dismantled, but authorities

"they don't know who is behind the actions".

The disruptions will affect a quarter of a million passengers on Friday and another 800,000 on the weekend.

Moreover, all this took place a few hours before the Olympic torch arrived at the opening ceremony.

French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castera, who is responsible for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, said the disruption to train lines was the result of "a kind of coordinated sabotage" and condemned the attacks in the strongest terms, which she called shocking.

Other French officials confirmed that the attacks were deliberate, based on "the timing, the vans found after the people fled (and) incendiary materials found at the scene".

Because of the Olympics, there is already increased police and military preparedness in the capital, and now they are diverting to the train stations from this, the Mandiner observed.

Cover image: Illustration / MTI/EPA/Yoan Valat