Viktor Orbán presents his plans at Tusványoso.

Orbán outlined three major themes on Tusványos

He does not want to talk about the peace mission today, the prime minister said. In his opinion, there are three big topics on the table today. The first is the war and its unexpected consequences. War reveals the reality in which we live. It was not visible until now, but it became visible in the light of war missiles.

The second question is what will happen to the war, when will it end, how will it end and what will happen after the war?

The third is that a new world is coming, how we can and should prepare for this new world. Hungary must face this new world as all Hungarians, and it must also be discussed in front of Hungarians abroad.

The war revealed the real situation in Europe. We are the longest-serving government in Europe.

"What I'm going to talk about, I've seen, I'm talking about what I've experienced. Whether I understood it will be revealed at the end of the performance," said Orbán, who then turned to the film The Matrix. "War is our red berry, if someone takes it, they can descend into reality. This is what we got, this is what we have to swallow," he added.

War is the continuation of politics from a different perspective. The war, with its mercilessness, takes me to a new height. It gives a completely different perspective from there. We find ourselves in a new environment. Ideologies lose their power here, as do media distortions, tricks, and eavesdropping by politicians. The raw and brutal reality remains. It's a pity that Gyula Tellér is no longer with us, we would hear surprising things from him.

According to Viktor Orbán, this is the reason behind the war

Viktor Orbán summarized what has been emerging since February 2022: the parties are suffering brutal losses in the war, yet they still do not want to settle. There are two reasons for this: both believe they can win, and both countries are fueled by their own truth. The Ukrainians are in self-defense, and the Russians think that serious NATO developments and expansion have taken place in the region, so they think this is a provoked war. "If it depends on the two sides, then there will be no peace" , so Viktor Orbán needs to be helped with this from the outside.

Instead of China, America is waging a proxy war against Russia.

The strength of Ukraine exceeds all expectations. Since 1991, 11 million people left the country and it was ruled by oligarchs, the state essentially did not function. Now, however, they are showing a successful and unprecedented resistance. "A strong country" . According to Viktor Orbán, it is worth understanding here that Ukraine has found a calling for itself: "it has discovered a new meaning of its existence" . Previously, they defined themselves as a conflicting state, now they want to be a part of the West, the eastern border guard region of the West. This perception has brought Ukraine to an active and active state, and I want this to be recognized internationally.

Poland will be the new leader of Europe, at least that is what America wants

The fourth point: Russia is different from what we saw and what we were made to see. The economic viability of this country is outstanding. It was grandiosely said at European Council meetings that sanctions and exclusion from the SWIFT system would bring Russia and Russian politics to its knees. Mike Tyson once said:

everyone has a plan until they're killed.

The Russians drew the consequences from the sanctions after the seizure of Crimea. They have created banking developments that will not cause their financial system to collapse. They modernized their agriculture and are now one of the world's largest food exporters. It is a false image that this is a neo-Stalinist country.

The fifth important new knowledge of reality is that European politics has collapsed. Europe has given up on protecting its own interests. They follow American interests at the cost of self-destruction. Sanctions make the European economy uncompetitive. The detonation of the Nord Stream was left unsaid, as was Germany. The fact that no one clarified this, no one talks about it, is an act of submission, even though it was an American-directed terrorist act.

There is another connection: European politics collapsed because of the war because the European axis of power was the Paris-Berlin axis. At the same time, another axis of power has developed since the war. The new center of power is London-Warsaw-Kiev-the Baltics and the Scandinavians.

In the picture published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives a lecture at the 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp at Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania on July 27, 2024. Next to him is Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament (b) and László Tőkés, the chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (cover). MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer

Polish interests

When the German chancellor announces that he will only send helmets, and then weapons for a week. Lest we think he's lost his mind, he's very sane. He just sees the effect of going against American interests. The American interest now wants to make Poland the American center of Europe. Five percent of Poland's GDP is spent on military spending and it has the second largest army in Europe. This is an old plan:

Weaken Russia and outgrow Germany.

It seems like a fantasy, but it doesn't seem so impossible. Especially since Germany is liquidating its industry. That is why the Poles gave up cooperation with the V4.

Viktor Orbán quietly mentioned that the Poles are doing the most eye-rolling politics in all of Europe. They educate us, but at the same time they buy Russian oil through intermediaries. Even the French are better than this, they also buy Russian gas, but they do not educate Hungary.

The behavior of the West cannot be predicted

According to Viktor Orbán, the best way to assess the change in the world is to remember that 20 years ago, when the United States attacked Iraq and called on European countries to join, then

Together with Putin, the European leaders held a press conference against the war.

According to Viktor Orbán, it is time for Europe to pursue an independent policy. After all, until now the continent has seen itself as a world standard - liberal democracy, green transition. In the last two years, there has been a 180-degree turn, the West has announced that it is taking a stand against Russia on a moral basis, but this is now not being followed by many of the world's leading actors.

According to him, the war revealed that the biggest problem in the world is the disintegration of the West.

But in the West they say this is not the biggest problem. According to Viktor Orbán, the behavior of the West - unlike Russia - cannot be predicted.

It wasn't the last time they wanted to kill Trump

Westerners are already in a post-national state. It's a new mental space. The dog is buried here, which is why we can't grind them in a mill. If we project all of this onto the United States, the question arises as to what should happen to the USA. Become a nation-state again, or continue on your way to a post-nation-state.

Donald Trump wants to drag his country back into a nation state, which is why the elections there have a huge stake.

That's why they want to put him in prison, that's why they want to take his property, and that's why they wanted to kill him. It's probably not the last time they've tried this.

By the way, Orbán spoke to Trump on the phone yesterday and told him to give his heartfelt greetings to those who attended the free university.

How do the West and the East see the world?

The eighth point is that we try to understand the West again in the light of the war. We see them as irrational, but what if they still act and think logically. If it's logical, why don't we understand them? If we had the answer to this, we would understand why Hungary clashes with the West so many times.

"Suppose our worldview consists of nation-states. While the West thinks they no longer exist," Orbán underlined, emphasizing that, according to our understanding, the nation-state is not a legal abstraction, but rooted in a specific culture, a sovereign state.

In a different way, the West thinks and denies that a common culture exists. There is no public morality, yesterday's Olympic opening proved this! According to them, migration is not a danger either, but a liberation from the ethnic homogeneity that forms the basis of the nation. That is why they do not see it as absurd that while hundreds of thousands of Christian people are killing each other in the eastern half of Europe, hundreds of thousands of non-Christians are being allowed in in the West. If the tens of millions of indigenous people lost in the Second World War were alive, there would be no demographic problem on the continent.

In the photo published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (back, right) gives a lecture at the 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp at Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania on July 27, 2024. Next to him is Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Parliament's foreign affairs committee, and László Tőkés, the chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (back, right). MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer

The western hollowing out

According to Viktor Orbán, if we try to understand European thinking, we have to go back to the 1960s. It was then claimed that the individual would be freer if he got rid of all kinds of collectives. However, according to Viktor Orbán, it is now clear that

the individual can only be free in community.

In the West, they freed themselves from metaphysical, national and family duty. And according to the Prime Minister, now that they managed to get rid of it, they expected that it would make the individual bigger, but they "feel a void". According to him, in the West these days, they no longer desire big goals.

According to Viktor Orbán, however, the secret of greatness is that you are able to serve things bigger than yourself. To do this, you have to admit that there has to be something bigger. According to Viktor Orbán, these are God, home and family.

According to the Prime Minister, if someone uses his strength to acknowledge his own greatness, he will be arrogant. He then put it this way in relation to Western Europe:

"I have to say, the situation that can be called emptiness has occurred. And redundancy breeds aggression.” Therefore, "the aggressive dwarf appeared as a new type of man".

The elite condemns the people

The penultimate element of reality is that this post-national state, which we see in the West, has a serious consequence that shakes democracy, said Viktor Orbán. There is increasing resistance in societies against gender, migration and war. This creates the difference between the people and the elite. The elites condemn the people for drifting in the direction of the right. The feelings of the people are called xenophobia, homophobia and nationalism. According to the people, the elite does not deal with them, but with globalism. How can this be a democracy if the people are not represented?

According to the Prime Minister, people with higher education are appearing in large numbers in the West, and they do not respect working people. For the elites, only graduates are valuable. The Brussels elections must also be watched from here. Brussels remains under the occupation of an oligarchy. This left-liberal elite organizes the transatlantic elite, not democratic, but oligarchic.

The three Ts, prohibited, tolerated and supported, are back in Brussels. We belong to the prohibited category.

We live in the world of a tolerant political community, and their domestic opponents - he referred here to the Tisza Party among others - are among the strongly supported.

The last point, point 11, is how Western values ​​became a boomerang. They are rejected in a large part of the world. Modern development is no longer exclusively Western. Modern China, India, Arabs and Turks are modernizing, but not in a Western way. Today, Western values, soft power, have stood behind LGBTQ. Countries such as Ukraine, Japan, and Taiwan also adopt laws supporting this. This is what Russia is against, the Prime Minister believes.

"The war helped me understand the world's power relations. The knife of the West will break into what it has undertaken," underlined Orbán.

America's export of democracy is over

According to Viktor Orbán, intellectual courage is needed now. "The fate of Hungarians is decided by whether they understand what is happening in the world". According to Viktor Orbán, a new world is coming, and according to him, he previously underestimated the magnitude of the change we are living in now. He highlighted:

There was no such change in 500 years.

He underlined that previously the leading power of the world was always in the West, so long ago the changes took place in the West, they all remained within Western logic, but now the world was not challenged from here.

According to him, we are facing "world system change", and according to him, the process started from the direction of Asia.

According to him, Asia will be the determining factor in the coming centuries for many centuries. Trump wants to find an answer to this challenge and, according to him, a national strategy can be implemented in America in 12 years.

America does not want to maintain its positions, "the priority will be to strengthen North America",

thus America's role in the world will be less important.

Therefore, they will develop the ability to attract capital from everywhere, they will "squeeze" the price out of everyone and everything, so they will make you pay the price of security as well. Eventually, they will also change ideologically, so the export of democracy is over.

László Tőkés, president of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (j) delivers a speech before Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's speech (k) at the 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp at Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania on July 27, 2024. On the left is Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament. MTI/Nándor Veres

There are two ways

What is the European response to this? There are two possibilities, one is that it is an open-air museum: Europe is subsumed under the USA, everyone is amazed, but there is no development in it. The second is what President Macron recommended, strategic autonomy. It is possible to re-create Europe's capital-attracting potential, and it is possible to make large investments. Budapest-Bucharest TGV, for example. We need a strong European military alliance, a strong military industry. After the war, a new agreement must be made with Russia. At the same time, the European Union must surrender itself as a political project, but it must strengthen economically.

According to Orbán, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that Ukraine can neither be a member of the EU nor a member of NATO. There is not enough money for this in Europe. Ukraine will return to conflict state status with American and Russian assurances. The Polish plan will also fail, and Poland will return to the V4s.

Let's welcome back our Polish brothers

Orbán said.

What should Hungary do? Five hundred years ago, during the last world system change, Hungary became the loser. Hungary could not free itself from the invasion of Islam, so the country had to join under a German-Habsburg leadership. The attempts they made to make Hungary a winner failed. King Matthias tried to get the throne of the German-Roman Empire, but failed. The failure symbol of the experiments is Mohács.

You have to see whether the current world system is a danger or an opportunity. If it is a danger, then it must be classified under the United States. If it is possible, then it is necessary to pursue a national policy and to have one's own development path.

Viktor Orbán: The European Union must pay the price of the war adventure

According to the Prime Minister, 500 years ago Hungary was the loser and Europe the winner of the changes. However, he now sees opportunities in the processes. According to Viktor Orbán, American developments are favorable for us. If there is an offer from America, it should be considered. According to the prime minister, we have already received an offer from China and we will not receive a better one: China is far away and EU membership is of special value to them. According to the Prime Minister, according to China, we should take part in each other's modernization, the May Chinese offer means that they are forced to invest and provide resources in a large proportion, and they offer us the opportunity to participate on a market basis.

At the same time, according to Viktor Orbán, the western part of the European Union will not return to the form of a nation state. America will leave the EU alone, and Europe will not be able to finance Ukraine or the war.

The European Union must pay the price of the war adventure.

The Central European countries remain in the European Union, however, on a nation-state basis, with their own foreign policy. According to Viktor Orbán, they do not like this in the West, but they will be forced to accept it. According to him, the boundary conditions are given and determine Hungary's possibilities, which are vast.

The Hungarian grand strategy is ready, here are some details

If there is a change in the world system, then a strategy is needed for this, a Hungarian grand strategy is needed. Word order is important, Orbán pointed out, so it is not a big Hungarian strategy. We have had small strategies so far, the national courses are carried out, but they must be completed. A larger strategy is needed for a change in the world system, because these changes can last for centuries.

Is there a grand strategy in the account? According to Orbán, we will be fine. The war accelerated things.

After the 2022 elections, the development of the grand strategy began. They got involved in Donald Trump's programming system, they also got involved in the Chinese strategy, they also set up shop in Brussels, and created a separate EU ministry under the leadership of János Bóka. There are also research institutes that spin at multiple speeds.

At the same time, the grand strategy is not yet in good shape, because its language is too intellectual. And the basis of joint action is that people must also understand. Only then will it be protected. It still takes half a year to understand it now, it was still written with a chisel.

What can be learned from it now:

the essence is connectivity, i.e. they do not allow the country to be locked into some world order, for example only the Western or the Eastern economy. They do not enter the war in the East, but make friends instead of enemies.

The second main point is the protection of sovereignty. This also includes economic protection. According to Orbán, a pyramid was built. At the top are the big companies, the national champions, at all levels of the national economy. Medium-sized companies come below them, there are 15 thousand such companies in Hungary, compared to only three thousand a decade and a half ago. Small companies come after them.

Our financial independence must be strengthened, this is also the essence of sovereignty. According to the strategy, Hungary must remain a production center, the mistake of the West must not be made, that certain jobs are carried out by guest workers, because this leads to the disintegration of society.

Little Hungary is not enough

According to Viktor Orbán, Hungarian society must be solid and flexible at the same time: new impetus must be given to the demographic processes, a self-sustaining state is needed here, and this must not be solved through migration. That is why the tax allowance for children must be doubled next year. According to the Prime Minister, society should be based on the middle class: with own property and financial independence. Therefore, work is still needed, full employment must be maintained. According to him, the Hungarian village system should be maintained, and we do not want giga-cities.

The crucial point for sovereignty is that the Hungarian national difference must be preserved.

According to Viktor Orbán, assimilation must be avoided: by preserving the language and maintaining the moral guidance of Christianity. He stated that we should not start from small Hungary, the Hungarian strategy must be formed on a national basis. Only small Hungary is not enough, so the support systems must be extended beyond the country's borders in the foreseeable future.

"We need brave, young fighters with national sentiment"

The prime minister then returned to the strategy house. According to him, a successful grand strategy requires grasping the common essence. One of these is freedom, not only the freedom of the nation must be built, but the personal freedom of the Hungarian person must be built. We are not militarized like the Ukrainians and Russians, we are not as disciplined as the Chinese and we do not enjoy hierarchy as much as the Germans. The term undisturbed is associated with the Hungarian sense of freedom.

According to Orbán, this grand strategy will be constantly attacked, as they expect compliance. This struggle must be undertaken, although it will certainly not be done by them, but by today's young people. At the same time, according to him, there will be two sides in their generation, the liberals and the nationalists. That's why you need to start recruiting now. The liberals are recruiting on their own, but the national camp is just a trumpet call away.

We need brave, young fighters with national sentiments

Viktor Orbán concluded his speech.


Featured image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives a lecture at the 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp at Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania on July 27, 2024.
Next to him is Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament (b) and László Tőkés, the chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (j). MTI/Nándor Veres