Fidesz is just like that...

I have been a supporter of FIDESZ since 1993, but mainly of Viktor Orbán.

I love Fidesz because when the many opposition journalists and bloggers write that they are stealing, they organize one of the biggest sports events in Hungarian history. The next day, he writes again on his left side that they are stealing, the next day he gets more money for textbooks. They steal again, the next day they get more money for feeding the children. They are stealing again, the next day there is more support for the flask program. They steal again, the next day the state buys hundreds of ambulances, they steal again, the next day dawn sufferers receive more support, everything is stolen again, the next day dozens of Balaton beaches are renewed.

But they don't give up, they steal again, the next day the paramedics get a much higher salary increase, but the next day they steal again, and they spend a lot more on building a nursery school. They are stealing again, here comes the fact that the country buys almost two thousand buses, but they don't give them up, they steal, here comes an urban development program of the order of a thousand billion.

But they continue, they steal, and the next day they make the connection to public utilities free nationally, the next day they steal again, they make the language test free up to the age of 35 and the second profession free. But they continue to steal, for which they reduce the VAT rate for fish, the Internet, the corporate tax, the small business tax, and the employer's contribution.

But they continue, then they increase the amount spent on education by two hundred million, the next day they brag again that they are stealing, for which they pay the full student loan for the three children, and half the student loan for the two children, and another 1 million from the foreign currency loan for the three children. But they don't give up, they steal everything, the next day it will take longer and there will be more graduate GYED, and the family tax allowance will increase, but another day will come, they steal, steal, and then the next day they will extend the CSOK.

But that doesn't mean anything either, they steal, steal, then comes the renovation of hundreds of medical offices, hospitals, helicopter landing pads, they steal again, steal, and steal again.

Ambulance stations, but then they steal again, for this they raise the salaries of doctors by more than 200,000 in two years, but then they steal again, the state pushes 1,500 billion (not a million, billion!) for railway development, it doesn't matter, they steal.

The next day, 300 billion will come for tourism development, but it's okay, they steal, the next day 210 billion will be given to the farmers, let's screw it up, don't give up, they steal, the next day Gyurcsány's fine of 18 billion will be paid, but they still steal, for this they will pay the last installment of the IMF loan, what it doesn't matter, they steal. For this they distribute free firewood, steal, reduce the SZJA, they steal, for this a few hundred billion will come to the capital's hospitals, they steal, the next day there will be a 30% increase for railway workers, but they are still stealing, for this they will raise the wages of those who protect the border, but then they also steal, the next day they increase national defense spending, they steal, the next day 13 modern new buses for BKV and a wage increase for BKV, with which everyone is satisfied, but they steal.

Then comes that the state assets have increased by 7,000 billion(!), they steal, but we buy back the SEUSO treasures, they steal, but 40 billion are allocated for the reconstruction of Kolontár, but they still steal, this is programmed to steal everything, the next day comes that it has become even stronger the economy, they steal, the next day that the country has been upgraded and month by month better prospects from international analysts, they steal, the next day we get out of the excessive deficit procedure, they steal, the next day the country's foreign currency debt is at a record low, they steal, they steal, they steal...

A hopeless company...

Source and featured image: Facebook, 2017