In the case of the suspension of oil shipments through Ukraine, the European Commission should stand by the member states and not a member candidate, said Zoltán Lomnici Jr., the legal expert of Századvég, in Kossuth radio's Sunday newspaper program.

The constitutional lawyer added that he considers the answer to the question that the states concerned have reserves to be cynical and superficial.

"The committee is simply not doing its job," he said.

He pointed out that, in addition to the obligations arising from the international energy charter and the agreements concluded during the accession negotiations, the Ukrainian party may also have moral obligations, because the electricity export subsidy that Hungary provides to Ukraine is of historical importance.

"Hungarian people have a sense of lack here, why the government needs to commit additional energy in a situation like this, where the Ukrainian side is clearly violating the rules, and go to extremes for the sake of our country"

- the expert responded to the suggestion that the parties can refer the case to an arbitral tribunal.

Speaking about the fine imposed on Hungary in the migration case, Zoltán Lomnici Jr. stated that he was convinced that Hungary had always followed the law and that a political judgment had been reached.

He believes that the European Union is afraid that a decision by the Hungarian Constitutional Court cannot be ruled out, which states, similarly to previous German, French and Italian constitutional court decisions: the European Court's judgment conflicts with constitutional identity, and therefore cannot be implemented by Hungary.


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