The Digital Citizenship Program is launched.

From the autumn, more and more cases can be handled by mobile phone, and it is possible to pre-register at the government offices, said the parliamentary state secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office in a video published on Facebook on Sunday.

Csaba Dömötör announced: it is expected that from September we will also be able to prove ourselves to the police with a mobile phone,

you do not need to carry your ID. In the mobile application, it will be possible to find personal data in one place, which can be downloaded and forwarded after authentication, which makes administration easier.

The application can also be used for digital signatures, the document created in this way is considered an authentic private document, which is accepted in all EU member states, explained the state secretary.

It also helps that from the fall, with the new application, it will be possible to apply for a moral certificate with the press of a button.

This will be the first type of digital document in Hungary, he added, also indicating that: with the help of the new application, you can book an appointment at the government offices in the most popular types of cases from a mobile phone.

Csaba Dömötör pointed out: for pre-registration, you have to visit one of the steering windows, you have to bring a photo ID - which can be an identity card, driver's license or passport - and a mobile phone on which the Digital Citizenship application has already been installed.

"It only takes a few minutes (...). If in the future you want to handle more and more cases from your mobile phone without waiting in line, you should also register!" - the state secretary encouraged everyone to do so.


Cover photo: Csaba Dömötör
Source: Facebook/Csaba Dömötör