Whoever exercises total control over words, thereby holds the supreme power, the supreme power of concept creation. Written by László Bogár.

Viktor Orbán's speeches at Tusnádfürdő are always of strategic importance, but now they were preceded by greater anticipation than ever before, because we have entered the force field of world power energies of such tectonic depth as we were last in the 16th century. Referring to this, the Prime Minister used a concept, the world system change, which started to spread sometime during the 1980s, but then the "non-existent" force controlling the world took it out of circulation, because it was forbidden to remain in the speech space (that is, the "non prohibited by "existing") would have helped the creation of thought arcs, and this is taboo.

However, whoever exercises total control over words holds the supreme power, the supreme power of concept creation, in his hands.

The fact that Viktor Orbán has now started to use a concept that has been banned for several decades with such vehemence, once again confirms our assumption that his national grand coalition, which has been strengthened by continuous two-thirds victories for almost a decade and a half (which is made up of a fanciful name of Fidesz, consisting of at least a dozen parties and solely personally by him maintainable with the help of an operable complex) in addition to his personal performance, he can only exist because a hidden global grand coalition, which has not even been interpreted so far, wants it that way.

And he wants it that way, because he considers Viktor Orbán to be the most "usable" "spokesman" who is ready and able to do anything in the global power space with a relaxed naturalness.

Since a detailed explanation of all the important messages of the speech would exceed the scope of such a paper, I would like to use the concept of world system change to outline the possible future arc, advantages, and "risks and side effects" of this "spokesperson" role.

Viktor Orbán said that ago that we were in the "active zone" of a world system change, where the sacred historical Hungary of the Holy Crown was destroyed according to its order and manner.

From the speech, it appears as if we suffered this blow as a clash between the West, represented by the Habsburg Empire, and the East, represented by the Ottoman Empire, but this was only the case on the playing surface.

Similar to how this "non-existent" force is leading the German and Russian empires to each other for the third time in the last little more than a century with the ultimate goal of mutual annihilation, five hundred years ago the same global money power system financed both empires, more precisely forced the puppet leaders of these empires to carry out these "non-existent" strategic goals.

And although he very correctly mentioned Prime Minister Mátyás Hunyadi's quest to obtain the title of German-Roman Emperor, the "Hungarian grand strategy", the necessity of which he repeatedly emphasized in his presentation, came from his father, János Hunyadi. The essence of this strategy was that if it were possible to achieve that both the pope and the emperor were Hungarian for at least a decade, it would mean not only historical Hungary escaping from this deadly trap, but also the aspirations of this "non-existent" force for thousands of years. could also redraw.

We can't have too many illusions about this power, but in certain situations the chance of being able to moderate its destructive effect cannot be completely ruled out.

Presumably, János Hunyadi wanted to "build" a pope and an emperor out of his two sons, so that the "world system change" brutally provoked by the "non-existent" would not destroy Hungary.

The strategy was brilliant, but it failed, even though it "consolably" almost reached its goal, because Mátyás "almost" became emperor, and Tamás Bakócz, whom he raised from the ranks of serfs, "almost" succeeded in becoming pope.

And the historical Hungary was destroyed, and the entire sacred West also failed in a spiritual, moral, and spiritual sense, because its western part turned into a global band of robbers during the "great geographical discoveries", while its central and eastern parts have operated as roughly the same lootable resource fields ever since.

But, as the saying goes, the wealth gained is lost, the robber band of the West, driven by a "non-existent" force, has now become a degeneration that eradicates its most elemental self-identity as "hedonistic pagans". The latest world system change has such a fatal depth because the American empire, which has dominated the West and through it the whole world for a century, is falling apart. The half-millennium global domination of the modern West, acquired with the latest world system change ("acquired by this"), seems to be coming to an end.

And what is the most delicate question, this certain "something" that "doesn't exist" for thousands of years and that keeps the world under its terror from the highest level seems to be uncertain.

The main reason for this is that, since its way of organization is based on parasitism, there is no resource field left in the world that can be plundered. Either because it has turned into a global latrine, like Africa, or because it was forced to Westernize, but now it is preparing to fight back, like China. And if the world empire is crushed under the ruins, then the nation-state America will also end up as a latrine, the essence of this "American tragedy" was understood by Donald Trump with the intellectual help of Viktor Orbán, as the "spokesman" of the main power that chooses the empire.

The coincidence and mutually reinforcing effect of these three ends of the cycle represents the most serious challenge of the past three thousand years, from which only a spiritual world system change of a hitherto unimaginable depth can provide a way out.

Hungarian Newspaper

Cover photo: Viktor Orbán on Tusványoso
Source: Facebook/Viktor Orbán