Viktor Orbán is right, the French showed themselves at the Olympic opening. However, Viktor Orbán is not right, because it was not the French, but an aberrant group of French intellectuals who showed themselves. Written by György Tóth Jr.
Were you surprised? I sure don't. The drag queen provocation that disgraces the scene of the Last Supper blends nicely into the process of total stupidity that began with the Jacobin massacre of 1789. What do they call that animalistic rampage? Yes, to the Great French Revolution. Not rampant murder, not genocide, but revolution. And since then, they have been celebrating large-scale beheading, the slaughter of the French peasantry. They are proud of the fact that they "defeated God", the "victory" of the idea called the Enlightenment, which in some respects is truly forward-looking, salutary in its purpose, shameful in its practice.
The road from the quillotine to the Olympic opening is straight.
This is where man believes himself to be god. This is the result of thinking that your freedom is unlimited, that you are not bound by rules, that you do not have to pay attention to anyone or anything.
Also, let's stop for a shocked moment!
However, the directors who insulted Christians had their limits. Why didn't Charlie Hebdo's images mocking Muhammad and Muslims take shape at the opening? Well, I wonder why?
Well, that's the question. Christianity can be defiled indefinitely, because it does not fight back. In France, but also in the "developed West" it is no longer forbidden to insult Christianity, since they believe in Comrade Lenin's statement: religion is opium for the people. But only the religion of Christians and the faith of Muslims are inviolable. The Jewish religion was once so, and today it can be attacked freely. Behold, there are the three T's. Translated: Sponsored - Muslim. Even Túrt - a Jew. Forbidden - Christian.
We're making good progress, aren't we? Go back to socialism, but better days will come, the days of the communist dictatorship. You just have to wait. If we keep going like this, it won't take long.
The symbol of the Satanists is the inverted cross, the inverted cross of the French provocateurs is the horror of the opening drag queen.
The nauseating production should have been followed by an overwhelming protest, instead there was some grumbling. That's it. Although the organizers apologized with the text in Dodona that they only wanted to show diversity, we were not given an explanation as to why this required a mockumentary of the last supper. The International Olympic Committee did remove the videos showing the disgrace from YouTube, but they did not explain how this filth could be included in the opening program at all? Maybe no one saw the rehearsals? The IOC wasn't interested in what the French show from the spirit of the Olympics?
The situation is much worse than this, as the IOC luminaries previously made a decision to allow transgenders to compete among women whose testosterone levels remained below 10 nanomol/liter for at least 12 months prior to their first competition. In Hungarian, they gave the green light to born men to compete among women. Then, because many sports federations objected for understandable reasons, they made changes, even so that those who changed their gender after the age of 12 cannot compete in the women's field.
Okay, but why did this need to be protested? Wasn't it obvious that the mixing of the sexes was absurd and contrary to the requirement of fair competition?
It's not clear to me anymore, why those very feminist organizations, which otherwise shouted the demand for women's rights by the thousands, who were enthusiastic and militant servants of the metoo . And I don't understand why the real female athletes didn't stand up for their rights? Why didn't they boycott all races where transgender people were allowed to compete? If they had done this and stayed uniformly away from such absurd competitions, how long would there have been competitions?
And why only trans women want to compete with real women? I haven't heard of the reverse case yet...
The road from the quillotine to the Olympic opening is straight, with small detours. Its necessary components: denial of God, anti-Christianity, anti-humanity disguised as good humanity, rejection and rejection of normality. Here we are today.
And there, that the endlessly despicable tabloid press obliviously celebrates the disgrace.
The world is truly ripe for destruction. Which it would be good for us to stay out of, and it seems that we can succeed. All it takes is faith and determination.
We still have that.
Featured image: Reddit/