While we push with heightened excitement for the success of our fencers, we yearn for a bout that means a gold medal. Peaceful fighting is going on in Pashtun. On the other hand, there is a far from merciless war going on in our neighborhood - writes László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA, in his blog post.

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, started a peace mission before the Olympics. He met the warring parties and raised hopes for an end to the killing. The result was noticed by several people. Others declared the Prime Minister's efforts a betrayal and immediately began a campaign of revenge.

Tus...it has been proven that there are two sides to the coin. Analyzing the political and economic situation in the world and in Europe, Viktor Orbán gave advice to those who follow the war views. He bravely stood up for resolving the Russian-Ukrainian war with a cease-fire and then with peace. This is certainly supported by the vast majority of the population of Europe, as this is the natural need of every sane person. Looking at the European Union elections, it has already become clear that politicians for a living have once again messed up the structure of the EU institution for their own benefit. I want to continue the unsuccessful policy of the last five years, destroying the economies of the allied member countries. Those who think differently are punished with mafia methods.

We, civilians, feel the effects of war every day. More and more long-range weapons are arriving in Ukraine, attention has fallen by the wayside, even though the flood of illegal migrants is increasing and the destruction of thousands of years of European Jewish-Christian culture is taking place before our eyes.

That's why we need to know who we stand behind or in front of. Behind those who wish for the destruction of their own country and Europe, or we will finally get back on our feet and create order in the holy house of Europe with civil solidarity.

Do we expose the political egoists, those wallowing in corruption, or do we submit slavishly? We can't be stupid and lazy now! The peoples of Europe do not need foreign guardianship. Looking at the proportion of the total population that dominates the world, the 1 percent elite, who with their financial power are making our living space increasingly narrow. With our quiet, smart, peaceful uprising, let us finally take control of our lives. We see that the majority of the representatives sent to the EU rejected the idea of ​​the people's majesty right from the start. They obtained leading stalls in a conspiratorial manner along the lines of party political interests, not caring about the will of the majority of 450 million European residents. An ultra-liberal pro-war leadership was created again, which pulls the ground from under the feet of the peoples of Europe. Our indigenous population is being replaced methodically, taking into account the Russian-Ukrainian war, the loss of life, and the creation of a demographic catastrophe.

Probably by divine inspiration, patriots, Czech, Austrian and Hungarian patriots who would do everything for Europe and their country, created their alliance. Today, like it or not, it can act as a steamroller to restore the pure will of European voters. We have to fight for our young people, to provide a future instead of drugs, and real freedom by illuminating the deceptive freedom.

Let there be no doubt, for those who are pro-war, that we will fight for our families.

CÖF-CÖKA sees the future of Europe's renewal in the patriotic movement. You can only win by standing on firm feet, with the work of careful hands, and with the spiritual defense of our idealism! Trusting that those who are not against us will see our pursuit of security and our stand for the sovereignty of the people. Europe does not want to give space to the bloody game of great powers. Our voters see the continuity of our lives in the social and economic cooperation of the West, East, North and South, and in the protection of our land.

Let it be! But he played with musicians with trilling notes!

László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA

Cover photo: civilek.info