The chairman of the Tisza Party himself previously calculated that up to HUF two billion could be shoveled home from Brussels in five years.

The property declarations of the EP representatives were published on the website of the European Parliament, on the basis of which the incomes of the seven representatives of the Tisza Party became known, Index . In relation to Péter Magyar's statement, the paper noted that there was a period when he still

 more sought after than the Prime Minister".

It turned out that the Tisza Party leader's income currently comes only from EP representation, which is still not negligible. It is worth remembering that when he was still talking about the fact that he would definitely not sit in the European Parliament, because he considered it the "world's biggest fake job" , he calculated that it would be possible to collect up to two billion HUF from it in five years.

Until now, he had something to grind into the milk

However, according to the documents that have just been published, Péter Magyar has had no reason to complain so far, because according to his confession, he received significant sums both as CEO and as a member of the board or supervisory board.

You can see the list below:

• Diákhitel Központ Zrt., CEO (June 2019 – February 2022) – HUF 3.5 million per month

• Student Loan Center Zrt., board member (January 2021 – July 2022) – HUF 400,000 per month

• Hiventures Zrt., investment committee member (February 2021 – 2024) – HUF 400,000 per month

• Hodler Alapkezelő Zrt., legal director (April 2022 – March 2024) – HUF 3 million per month

• Magyar Közút Zrt., board member (August–December 2022) – HUF 1.875 million per year

• MBH Bank Nyrt., supervisory board member (September 2022 – February 2024) – HUF 1.5 million per month

• Magyar Közút Zrt., board member (January–December 2023) – HUF 1.475 million per year

• Volánbusz Zrt., board member (April–December 2023) – HUF 1.1 million per month

• Magyar Közút Zrt., board member (January–February 2024) – HUF 1.794 million per year

The above list also pointed out that Magyar had periods when he earned more than his current monthly representative salary of 3.2 million. Moreover,

From January 2021 to February 2022, when he took a salary of 4.3 million per month, he even surpassed Viktor Orbán.

The prime minister receives HUF 2.8 million per month - the Hungarian Nation drawn attention to this.

His fellow representatives had no reason to complain either

Based on the declarations, several MEPs of the Tisza Party did not make a bad job even before taking the oath in Brussels. Dóra Dávid, who came in second place on the party's list, spent around HUF 90 million annually as a Meta shareholder. The new MEP now claims that he sold all his shares before the election, so his income will be only the representative's honorarium.

Before his involvement in the Tisza Party, the doctor András Kulja was not in need either: according to his confession, he had a monthly income of around HUF 3 million as an entrepreneur. Previously, he received the medical base salary of the Péterfy Hospital Clinic and the Jenő Manninger National Traumatology Institute, plus the on-call salary, so he earned HUF 2.36 million per month.

And although Gabriella Gerzsenyi didn't earn much as a freelance writer - according to her confession, she earned between HUF 90,000 and HUF 400,000 per year - but she had no real reason to complain either, as she had worked in Brussels before: at the European Commission, then 3.8 per month he lived on a salary of millions - reminded the Magyar Nemzet.

Featured image: Péter Magyar / Facebook