According to Lithuania, the security of the entire European Union is threatened by the simplified entry of foreign citizens for the purpose of employment, but the Hungarian government reacted by not allowing millions of migrants to the continent.

The European Commission will contact the Hungarian authorities for immediate clarification, said Anitta Hipper, the spokesperson for migration and internal security of the European Commission, Il Giornale . The Commission is now angry precisely because Hungary has simplified the issuance of work visas for Russian and Belarusian citizens.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis announced that his country had appealed to the European Commission to prevent the Hungarian decision, saying that it threatens the security of the entire Union.

The Hungarian government previously stated that the simplified entry of foreign nationals is permitted only for the purpose of employment within the framework of a strictly regulated procedure, and in fact Brussels has allowed millions of migrants into the European Union.

Via Mandiner

Featured image: 120 illegal immigrants trying to reach Europe from Africa arrive by boat at the port of Los Cristianos in Tenerife, Canary Islands, on October 6, 2023. On this day, almost 900 black African migrants arrived in Spain's Canary Islands on ten boats. MTI/EPA/EFE/Ramon De La Rocha