It is not worth getting upset that wonderful books, paintings, statues, churches related to our faith and religion - well, religious people - have been defamed en masse in recent years. In such cases, people are always looking for reasons. Written by Katalin Kondor.

I hardly believe that I am alone in my experience that in recent decades, the defamation of religion has become more and more powerful, more precisely the liberal ideology that uses the teaching of the Christian religion as a target and, of course, people who profess to be Christians, and does not shy away from depicting the Bible .

Moreover, many people outright pull themselves out when they find an opportunity to speak with contempt of the moral laws of Scripture.

This phenomenon is shocking if only because it confronts us with a complete lack of tolerance. With complete disregard for the other person's faith. Almost all the scenes of the Olympic opening ceremony the other day, which outraged many, were a fine example of this.

It is not worth detailing these, nor to be horrified by them, since you can already read thousands of stories on social media about how much indignation the "ceremonial" Olympic opening, heavily laced with aberration, has caused around the world.

We shouldn't be upset about the fact that wonderful books, paintings, statues, churches related to our faith and religion - well, religious people - have been defamed en masse in recent years.

In such cases, people are always looking for reasons.

Who does a holy image hurt and why does it hurt someone? A beautiful icon? A church? A priest? A religious song? Anyone's faith?

We could not hear an answer to this from a single person who killed a priest, desecrated a church, a painting, or a cross. Neither acceptable nor unacceptable.

I can only think that all of this can exist because order seems to be completely disappearing from our world. And because it is missing, even the vandals, the destroyers, the provocateurs did not dare to ask why they did what they did? What is the explanation for the destruction? To insults, to violence? For the killings? To violate the faith of others? I wonder why we didn't force the answer?

I think it's because we've lost our minds. The guardians of the law also lost their minds, because they had the duty to force the answer in the mentioned cases.

If only because the teaching of the Ten Commandments also warns: Do not steal! Do not kill! Don't covet other people's property! It is a legitimate request that anyone who breaks these commandments should be forced to answer. Why did he do what he did? And he must be confronted with his actions and punished in a dignified way. This would be called order if there were. But there are not any!

However, where order breaks down or has already disappeared, that community quickly becomes unlivable. Many people feel, know and say that this world has already arrived. Order has broken down, and more and more communities are becoming unlivable.

We are therefore living difficult hours since the phenomena mentioned above became commonplace, and we are not getting any closer to a solution. In fact! We have to experience that when a reprehensible act takes place, we mostly trivialize it, try to deny it, make it irrelevant, instead of facing them and trying to eliminate them.

The world has become insensitive to other people's faith and values, and we also had to accept that our faith was mocked and insulted in front of the country and the world - moreover, by the "use" of a world event, the Olympics.

Where there was an indisputable attempt to make our souls bleak. It would be insensible.

Of course, someone who is insulted in this way cannot be indifferent. However, he finds it difficult to find comfort, consolation, a solution to what happened, so he suffers, withdraws into himself and is afraid.

And fear makes you sick, and this disease now characterizes the whole world. It is therefore difficult to say what to do in this situation. Is it possible to put order in the general confusion, and if so, how?

I think with faith, courage, common will and determination. With a firm stand for what can be the guiding thread of our lives, that order guards over the world, and that no perverted person will ever succeed in nullifying the Creator's order.

Unfortunately, it can disturb you, as we see and experience numerous examples of this every day, but it cannot nullify it. In our world gone mad, this faith can give comfort against all attempts at destruction, be it material destruction, war-related slander, or even holiday spoiling and blasphemy.

I read that even the scientists were surprised by the Seine's behavior at the Olympics. Not me. I think Sejna sent a message.

He shed the role of a dirty sewer for a while, showed that he could clean himself, but seeing what happened, he turned back into a sewer, saying that water testing is also important, but self-examination is even more important.

Hungarian Newspaper