Subotica is a "city full of life", so it is expected that there will be great interest in the programs here as well.

MCC's center in Szadka is an excellent training opportunity for the young people of Vojvodina, which prepares them to be able to work for their place of residence, for their nation, for the Hungarian people - emphasized Zoltán Szalai, director general of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) on Wednesday, on the occasion of the opening of the training center .

MCC already has operating centers in the Highlands, Subcarpathia and Transylvania, so we are very happy that they will be able to start work in Vojvodina from autumn, said Zoltán Szalai.

In Subotica, the work will consist on the one hand of the talent program for primary school age groups and the program for high school students, but they also welcome teaching colleagues and parents who will be involved in the operation of the MCC.

Subotica is a "city full of life", which is why they expect that there will be great interest in programs of this kind here as well, the director general pointed out.

MCC's training centers operate throughout the Carpathian Basin, so the new center in Vojvodina will also play an important role in ensuring that young people receive excellent education and acquire skills that can provide them with a successful career on the one hand, and prepare them to in the future, they will be able to work for their place of residence, for their nation, for the Hungarian people - highlighted Zoltán Szalai.

"The MCC has found an excellent partner in Bálint Pásztor, the president of the Vojvodina Hungarian Association (VMSZ), who has a well-developed political, social and cultural infrastructure for Vojvodina Hungarians," emphasized the general director, adding that the training is carried out in cooperation with the VMSZ.

Zoltán Szalai said: in his view, MCC training is not just a training based on textbook knowledge, it begins where public and higher education ends. This training is for those who want a little more, feel more ambition and talent in themselves, he explained.

The opening of the new center provides an opportunity for the young people of Sabztka to meet with young people with similar interests, who through the program become part of a Carpathian basin level connection.

Most of the programs require personal presence, which is considered very important after the changes during Covid-19. The programs forge communities from the participants, young people with similar interests and ambitions can spend their free time together, participate in trips, professional trips and events, said Zoltán Szalai.


Cover photo: Zoltán Szalai, director general of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) (b) and Bálint Pásztor, president of the Vojvodina Hungarian Association (VMSZ)
Source: MTI/Edvárd Molnár